Chapter 2: Chocolate Brown Eyes

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Throwing out the unfinished bagel, I shook my head to help shake off the thoughts about her, then took out my Michael Kors sunglasses to put on while I shifted the gear into drive and hit the gas pedal. It took about a ten minute drive to get the university, but today I made a quick stop at Starbucks to get me a caramel frappuccino. 

By the time I arrived, I parked near the entrance of the school and grabbed my bag. I had plenty of time to get settled for my first class since I ended up leaving earlier than planned, so I decided to just walk around a bit. There was no worry about getting lost because I checked where all my classes were located during the freshman orientation last week. The first class of the day was going to be composition which shouldn't be too hard to take; I just hope the professor isn't an a-class dick or there will be hell. I noticed a bench that was surrounded nicely by a couple of trees that gave off just enough shade from the sun that was slowly coming out. I sat down on it while holding my frap in both hands and closed my eyes. I think this will be my new favorite spot to relax when I have those stressful days. From what happened this morning, there's no question about it. 

"Uh excuse me?" I heard a masculine voice come from behind me. I snapped my eyes open and glance behind me to see a rather hot, tall blonde guy wearing gym clothes, who seemed to have these dark chocolate brown eyes. He had this ora about him that made me feel like he was a respectable man and held great confidence about himself. I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was about this guy but I couldn't help but be attracted to him; and it's not just because of his looks either. Something in me told me this guy was not just your ordinary guy and that left me wanting to know who he was. It took a couple of seconds until I realized I started gawking at the him, and I could feel my cheeks start to get hot. Thankfully I had my sunglasses still on so I'm sure he didn't see me staring, although I think he was feeling awkward since I haven't answered him back. I mentally smacked myself for looking like a fool. 

With that I responded back, "Yeah?" Why are you here?

"Well you seem to be on my bench." He replied with a small smirk showing on his face. I can see the humor hiding behind his gorgeous brown eyes.  There's no doubt that he has any trouble with the ladies. Wait a minute. His bench? I don't think so. 

I chuckled, "Really? Well thats too bad. I got here first, so I think this is my bench. Sorry." I sent a quick smile and turned back around finishing up my drink. 

Obviously the guy didn't take hint because he walked over to my side and sat at the other end of the bench, staring at me with his still noticeable smirk. I was starting to reconsider my thought of him being a respectable man because the only vibe I  was getting from him was a cocky jerk who looks like he usually has it his way. Unfortunately for him, he's not going to take this bench from me, no matter how hot he may be. I saw it, so I claimed it. End of discussion. 

I pulled my glasses off so he could see himself that I wouldn't budge and told him, "Look hot stuff, I had a pretty rough morning and me being me, I don't like starting off my mornings to a bad start but sadly that happened. But then, as I was walking around on this fine Monday morning, I saw this bench and right off the bat, I knew I would love this bench and probably spend a lot of my time with this bench. This bench was like my calling. This bench is now my bench. So please, do us a favor, and save the trouble of trying to take this bench from me because let's face it, you're charm, or whatever, is not going to change my mind and make me hand over my bench to a hot blonde who looks like he can get whatever he wants with just a simple smirk on his mouth." I huffed out a breathe near the end of my quick and short monologue to the dude, and waited to see what he would do. Honestly, I'm not so rude to people but this guy just seems to build my curiosity, and I want to see how he would react to my little attack on him. 

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