Chapter 1 The Meeting

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      "Anything else?" Liam Alexander, a very attractive blue eyed with dirty blonde hair, asked his father's friend and business partner, Arnold McGee. Arnold looked at the the peircing blue eyes, and answered "No. But make sure to give your father this papers." The men nodded at each other in full understanding. Liam rose from his chair and walked over to the huge windows that overlooked the garden. The garden was breathtaking and somewhat of a maze. "When you had money you could certianly afford the exotic flowers and blossoming trees," Liam thought to himself. The garden was certainly gorgeous. He was about to turn away when flash of gold caught his eye. There were two young women walking, one with golden blonde hair and the other a with chestnut hair. It was hard to see their features but they looked around his age. The golden haired girl must be Arnold's daughter and the other must be her aquantince.

         Liam turned and joined the 42 year old man, but still in a daze. Liam's thoughts were interrupted as Mr. McGee began to speak. " Now I must insist you join my family and I for dinner." Liam was about to decline, but Arnold was not taking no for an answer. "I suppose I do have some time before I have to go home, I will call my father." Mr. McGee smiled and said "My wife will be pleased."    

            "I  will meet you down stairs in a few minutes, just let me sort out some files." Liam stated. Arnold nodded and walked out of the office. Liam let out a sigh and began to organize papers. He had a hard time though, because the girl with the golden hair kept  flashing in his mind making it difficult to do anything. Oh how he wished he saw her face. A thought came to his mind. If the girl was Arnolds daughter she would most likely be at dinner! The thought made him smile and he worked faster.

       He was done in no time. He rushed out the door and down the stairs. But then thought better of it because he probably looked really childish, and walked down the stairs. Before Liam got to the bottom he could smell the delicious smell of chicken. He didn't know how hungry he was until he reached the bottom of the stairs and saw the amazing food. He walked into the dinning room and sat at the table where the only spot was left.

          "Good evening" Liam said as he looked around the table. "Good evening Liam, how have you been?" Mrs. McGee asked. "Great, thank you." Liam said. He looked at everyone at the table until his eyes froze on the golden hair girl sitting right next to Arnold. Liam's eyes stayed glued to her. She didn't look up from her plate, so Liam still couldn't see her face. His eyes lingered on the golden haired girl, but soon found their way to the girl with chestnut colored hair. She was beautiful, exhilarent green eyes and beautiful tan skin. But he still had this attraction the the golden hair girl.

                 Liam's eyes found there way back to Arnold as he began to talk. "Liam, this is my daughter Katherine.." Liam looked at Katherine. He silently gasped as he looked at her. She had the most striking blue eyes that could pull anyone in. Her skin was nicely tanned. She was gorgeous. "...and this is Lilah, Katherine's maid." Arnold finished. Liam realized he was still staring at Katherine and quickly darted his eyes away. "You forgot the part about me being her best friend," Lilah said with a smile as she rolled her eyes.

           "Nice to meet you." Liam spoke. Mrs. McGee layed down the food in front of us and they all began to eat. Liam looked at the time and realized it was time to go. "It's getting late, I must go. Thak you so much for dinner, it was amzaing." Liam said. "You are welcome, and you are welcomed here anytime." Mrs. McGee replied.

                Liam stood up from his chair and made his way to the door. He could hear shuffling and the scraping of a chair from the dinning room. Liam was almost to the door before he felt a hand on his arm. He turned around and found Katherine standing,  looking kind of  nervous. "Would you like to take a walk in the garden?" Katherine asked. Liam was debating on whether he should or shouldn't. It was getting late, but he wanted to get to know her. So he nodded and they made their way to the garden.


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