chapter 1

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Chapter one

Niall's POV

 ”Fuck you Harry, leave my stuff alone!” Liam screamed.

“It’s just a pair of boxers!” Harry answered as he entered our shared hotel suite, slamming the door behind him.

“Why don’t you take a pair of your own boxers?” I asked him while I tied my shoes.

“Because I love pissing Liam off.” He said as he grinned at me. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright mate?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“’Cause you know, I can ask Hanna to bring a friend or something, so you don’t have to sit by yourself.”

“It’s fine dude, I’m used to it.”

And I was. I had been single ever since I joined One Direction. All the lads had girlfriends at the moment and they’ve had it for a while now. Harry was the only one who used to be single like me, but now he’d met this amazing girl Hanna who he had fallen head over heels for. Harry was the last of us five I’d expected to get a girlfriend because he likes to flirt, to meet new people and to fool around with different girls, but I guess that she was really special to him.

“Come on Niall, we don’t want to be late!” Harry yelled.

“Fine…” I sighed as I put on my black jacket.

Emma’s POV

 “Are you sure that it’s alright if I come along?” I asked Hanna as we put on our jackets.

“Yes I already told you Harry even asked me to bring someone!”

“Ugh this is going to be totally awkward, I know he is your boyfriend and all but I’m not used to be around celebrities. “

“Calm down, you know Harry, he is really down to earth and all the other boys are too!”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to be nervous just because you’re used to these kinds of things and they are like normal day events for you.” I grunted at her.

I’m usually not the nervous type, but when Hanna invited me to go with her and her boyfriend Harry to a celebrity charity event that changed.

“Okay please remind me again; which one is which of the boys?”

Hanna let out a heavy sigh, probably frustrated with me for not knowing their names yet.

“Emma are you retarded or something? You know Harry, and then there Zayn with black hair who dresses really nice.”

“And then there is Liam the strong one right?” I said and grinned at her.

“Oh so you fancy Liam do you?” She asked me with raised eyebrows. “You know he has a girlfriend.”

“I know but I think he is hot.” I said as we closed the door behind us.

“And then there is Louis, you know you’ve even met him once! He is Harry’s best friend and he’s really funny.”

“And the last one is the blonde, Irish one right?”

“Yeah that’s Niall.”

“Ok so Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall?” I asked her.

“Yes. Make sure you’ll remember or you’re going to put me in an awkward position.”

“You know I always put you in an awkward position.” I said as I smiled at her.

 “Yeah I know.” She sighed. “I think Niall is coming with Harry to pick us up.”

“That’s the blonde one right?” I asked.

She punched me on my arm.

“That hurt!” I yelled.

“Yeah but you deserve it.” She smiled. “You know Niall is single right?”

“So?” I asked. “Isn’t he the one who’s never had a girlfriend? Tell me more about Liam instead and we'll make up a plan how we're going to break up him and his girlfriend!”

Then she punched me on my other arm.

Niall's POV

“So are we picking Hanna up or is she going to meet us there?” I asked Harry as I climbed into the limo.

“We’re picking her up at her apartment right now.” He answered as he took a seat next to me.

“And are the others meeting us there? Because we should arrive together you know?”


Then he was silent. Why was he silent? I hadn’t spent a minute with Harry without him blabbering about something. He stared out the window with a little smirk on his face.

When the limo stopped outside Hanna’s apartment Harry started smiling even bigger.

“Are you excited to see her?” I asked.

“Yes I am, but I am more excited for you to see her lady friend.”

“No! You didn’t.” I almost screamed at him. He knew that I dreaded blind dates more than anything in this world.

“Yes I did but please shut the fuck up and act cool now okay?”

In that very moment the door opened and Hanna jumped in. She kissed Harry and gave me a hug and sat down next to Harry. After her came a girl with brown hair, blue eyes and a black dress. She hugged Harry and when she looked at me, my palms started sweating.

“Hi, I’m Emma.” She said reaching out to shake my hand. I desperately tried to be stealth while wiping of my hand.

“Niall.” I said.

“Pleasure to meet you.” She said as she smiled at me.

 There was an awkward silence for a moment, but Harry being back to his normal self started chatting about the event.

“So Emma is this your first time attending a big celebrity event?” He said, mocking the word celebrity.

“No I had my own private events with only people who really are something. Unfortunately you weren’t invited.” She said ironically and smiled at Harry.

I couldn’t help but to grin when she smiled. She had a really pretty smile.

“No but seriously I’m really nervous because I keep imagining myself falling down a staircase or tripping over the dining table or anything else that would be typical me to do.”

“Well don’t worry if you trip, we all trip! Right Niall?” He said giving me a meaning look.

“Yeah sure.” I answered.

 Why did she make me so nervous?

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