Before I could do anything to prevent it, she snapped her fingers, and we were sitting on a fallen log.

After a moment I took in what happened. I hopped off of the log with an angry scowl, "What the? Where did she send us?" I spun around to face Ghirahim, who was just as surprised as I was. "I didn't hear anything before she sent us here. I'm a bit suspicious." I crossed my arms to emphasize my point. There were multiple red flags that went up about that woman. I don't know what part she's really playing in all this, but I have a feeling she isn't one hundred percent on out side.

Zeefa flew up with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face, "I agree! That was rude of her!"

Ghirahim stood from the log and looked around, "She looked familiar to me... but we don't have much time to worry about her. She teleported us to Shauru Forest, which I know is where we must be now. Let us use this to our advantage."

I sighed and looked around me. We were in a lush, beautiful forest with golden light streaming from the full trees. I could hear a bubbling stream nearby and I could smell the rotten dirt beneath me. It reminded me of forests on the surface back in my realm. It was actually... nice.

"I know one thing, I like the change of scenery." I mused as we walked through the woods. Ghirahim smirked.

"It does seem more like your realm doesn't it? It hasn't changed at all since I was last here. I only hope I remember the way to the hide out."

I scratched my head, "What?"

Zeefa chimed in, "Oh! Ghirahim and I used to come here often years ago as children. In the center of the forest there's a decoy stump that actually leads to an underground room. It was our hide out."

The thought of Ghirahim playing in a hide out with other children as a kid didn't really want to stick in my mind. I simply couldn't imagine it. I couldn't imagine him as a child at all really. He just didn't seem that... normal.

Ghirahim stopped and stroked his chin thoughtfully, "Maybe we missed the turn..." He looked around and scowled, "It all looks the same to me! I can't remember the path!"

Zeefa flew around the trees, looking around the area, "I don't remember either! Did Zeefa take my memories too? Am I connected to the earring? Oh! That would make us related!"

I tried my best to tune Zeefa out while I thought. I placed my hands on Ghirahim's shoulders from behind and rested my chin on my left hand. "You have the memories. You just need to close your eyes and concentrate." I subconsciously rubbed circles on his shoulders with my thumbs and spoke in a soothing voice, "You'll find it."

I felt Ghirahim relax and he closed his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. I continued to rub the circles on his shoulders, even when I'd realized what I was doing. This closeness... it gave me warm sensations that allowed a blush to spread over my cheeks.

"I see..." He began.

"You two done love making down there or should I come back at another time?"

Ghirahim and I jumped away from each other at the same time. I looked around for whoever had said that, but there was no one except Zeefa and Ghirahim in sight! I met Ghirahim's eyes and he narrowed his in suspicion. We both drew our swords, glancing around.

"Oh come on! You can keep cuddling, don't mind me!"

I spun around, certain I'd heard it from behind me. There was nothing there!

This was beginning to anger me! We don't have time for this and I certainly don't have the patience!

"You don't say much do you?"

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