Chapter Eight

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We ended up at the base of the treacherous mountain. I shot Ghirahim a questioning look that faded to a worried one. Was that distance too much?

Ghirahim sat down a moment, his eyes unfocused, "I guess I didn't have as much power as I thought... but we're far enough away from the top it'll be back before we need it." He slowly stood on wobbly legs. I shook my head.

"You're not going anywhere."

Ghirahim glowered at me, "As if I have a choice Skychild! We haven't the time for this! We must go."

I didn't move a muscle. I only stared down at him with challenge in my eyes, "You need to regain your strength or we won't make it through whatever it is we're going to see up there."

He pointed a shaking finger at me, "Listen Sky-"


We froze and looked up. The voice was threatening, angry, and female. I didn't see anything up there, but didn't trust that. Ghirahim and I crouched low behind a large rock and waited. I wondered if this was going to turn into a waiting contest when I heard the voice again.

"Playing games are we? I will show you what it means to come here!"

A small, lithe figure jumped up from the amazing height, somersaulted twice in the air and sailed down to the ground near us. She landed in a crouch that would match that of an ancient Sheikah. She had stark, white hair that flowed through the slight breeze, slender limbs and a thin body. She wore a simple, skin tight and black suit that covered her arms and legs as well. Her eyes were stark white on fair skin. Her thin, pale lips stretched over her teeth in a menacing scowl. Her eyes darted around quickly, but I wouldn't be surprised if she couldn't see.

"No one passes through here! This mountain is sacred to those of us who remain loyal to the great demon king. Show yourselves!"

Ghirahim's eyes narrowed and then widened with recognition. He stepped out quietly, but the almost silent noise still caught her attention. Her head snapped in our direction and her scowl shifted to a smile. With snake-like reflexes, she jumped up and spun, planting her heel firmly in Ghirahim's gut. I cringed and stood to assist him, but he shook his head. Ghirahim took hold of her ankle and spun himself around, causing her to lose her balance.

She fell hard to the ground with a shocked expression. Ghirahim chuckled and stooped over her, "Still use the same old moves I see."

Surprise lit up her blank eyes and she flipped over quickly, "It can't be!"

Ghirahim felt his body, as if he was looking for something, "Nope, you're right. I can't be here. I must be somewhere else."

The woman frowned and pulled herself up in a way that would seem she'd been pulled up by someone else, "This is not a humorous matter. If you are who I believe you to be, what is my real name?"

Uh oh. Hopefully Netti gave him that memory or we're in a crazy fight. Ghirahim still hasn't gained all of his strength back.

Ghirahim folded his arms with a half smirk, "You are Watah, guardian of the mountains. But you're birth name is Shaiyala."

I couldn't be sure from this distance, but I think there were tears in her eyes. She looked like she wanted nothing more than to hug him and maybe cry. However, she let the emotion melt off her face and she placed a hand on her hip, "Tell your friend he can come out of hiding. I will lead you to the gates of the mountain, but you two must go in without me. I cannot help you find the treasure. I must stand guard here."

This calm, her voice sounded ancient, like an old story teller. I stepped out, but didn't move much closer. She turned her head towards me and smirked.

"I may have no vision young one, but I know you are there and hesitant. Come forward, there is nothing to be cautious of from me. Any friend of the demon king is welcome here." I walked a little closer, standing a few feet away. Shaiyala's head turned back to Ghirahim, "Where have you been? In the human realm with this boy?"

We began to walk up the mountain trail. Ghirahim's strength seemed to be returning, but I still kept an eye on him, "Yes. It seems I had no memory of who I was until Netti gave me this sliver of the royal earring."

Shaiyala nodded in understanding, "After Demise took over your will, Netti destroyed the earring into five shards. One is hidden in the mountains here. I know nothing of the others. I only know the only demons left who are still loyal to you are those who guard the shards. You've been gone a long time my Lord. Wenta has brainwashed almost everyone into thinking you have either died or abandoned them. Even your cousin is beginning to believe this as well."

Ghirahim frowned, "What cousin?"

A shadow cast over Shaiyala, "You will remember her in time. It is not my place to tell you anything the Demon Goddess has kept from you."

We came up to a large, impressive gate that seemed to be made out of a sort of solid metal or black stone. Shaiyala spun and pressed her palm into the door. She was chanting in some strange language and her eyes lit up. If I hadn't gone through a lot when I fought for Zelda, I would have found this amazing or weird. Designs that didn't exist before in the door lip up, spreading from her hand. When it reached the top and sides of the gate, it slowly began to open.

Shaiyala turned to us, "Take heed. There are many traps, and Wenta may have added his own tricks in an attempt to keep you from gaining this shard." Her eyes softened and her face lit up, "I never felt I'd have hope. Now I can believe again." Before either of us could respond, she shoved us forward and the gate snapped shut. This would have been fine, if there was any ground beneath us.

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