Snap and Dead

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I like breaking rulers. 

The satisfying snap and it's dead. 

Wish that's what happened to me. Snap and dead. Snap and dead. 

Snap and Dead. 

It's cold here. Inside my tree house. Half the wood is rotting away, and the fairy lights don't even work anymore. Which is a shame, because I like fairy lights. 

Oh well, I have fireflies anyway. 

There are about two hundred and fifty six broken rulers inside the tree house. I hang them on the walls, with my daisies and roses and paper hearts. My tree house is quite beautiful, the floor is cushioned with a plush carpet and the room is draped in jade fabric. 

Snap and dead. Snap and dead. 

More broken rulers. Too bad I ran out of string a long time ago.





Her fairy lights are now shattered, 

Broken and scattered on the ground, 

But when there is no light, 

There are fireflies, 

That can act the role, 

Of Fairy Lights. 





I love my bed. 

It's just this corner, full of blankets, cushions and soft pillows. Comfy too, and would you believe that all my furnishings are from thrift stores and charity shops? 

Some of them are even silk. Silk. 

I could curl up in a ball and wrap myself in blankets all day, and wish nothing more then to hear soft music and the gentle pitter-patter of rain. Sometimes my wish comes true, sometimes the sun just shines and a flood of light fills my room. 

The forest is quite a magical place. Full of beautiful, tall trees I imagine as towers and soft, mossy grass that curl up between my toes. 

Just outside the forest is a village. Full of people. 


God, I hate people. 





"Hello, my name is Snap and Dead. Pleased to meet you, miss"

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