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It's late at night by the time I return home. Nichole is no where to be seen, so I walk around the liar looking for the turtles.

"Boys?" I call out. No answers at first, but then I hear snoring.

When I find them they are all bundled up I'm the corner asleep, as usual.

I smile and walk over to them, just as Leonardo lifts his head with a yawn.

Her squints his eyes open sits up. The other turtles shift behind him, but stay asleep.

He looks at me and blinks a few time.

"Papa?" He mumbles yawning again.

I walk over to him and pick him up then sit down on the floor crisscrossed.

"Good morning, my son," I say. He looks up at me and smiles sleepily, but doesn't say anything.

"Do you know where Nichole is?" I ask, not really expecting an answer.

Leonardo's eyes widen and he looks around putting a figure on his chin quizically.

He then scrambles out of my lab and walks toward my room.

"Leonardo?" I say trying to get his attention.

He turns around and tugs on my robe.

"Mmff...mmff..." he says pointing toward my room.

"Okay," I say giving in ,"I'll follow."

Leonardo leads the way, while looking back every few seconds to make shure I'm still there.

Once we are inside large room, where our little tree grows, I see Nichole sitting there, up right, and staring off into the distance.

"Nichole?" I say.

She doesn't respond.

"Nichole, are you alright?" I try again walking toward her. Once closer I see that her eyes are close, but her lips are moving.

She's whispering something that I can't exactly here.

I feel tiny figures rap around mine and look down to see Leonardo. He looks up at me, concern clear on his face.

I sigh and sit in front of Nichole.

Leonardo crawls onto my lap and we both watch her intently.

Perhaps she's meditating? Do New Yorkers meditate? She used to live in Japan, Maybe she picked it up there? That wouldn't make sense, Would it?

Nichole starts to talk a little louder, but I am still unable to make out what she says.

"What do you thinks she's saying?" I ask Leonardo. He looks up at me, but simply blinks in response.

I look back at Nichole and almost try to wake her up again, but I don't wish to disrupt her meditation. If that's what she's doing.

Suddenly her eyes shoot open. She looks around wearily and blinks as if waking up from a deep sleep.

Her stiff form loosens and she puts her palm to her four head.

"W-Where am I?" She mumbles to herself.

"Nichole?" I say. She looks at me in surprise.

"Yoshi, is that you?" She replies squinting, still dazed.

"Nichole," I answer," are you alright?"

"I...I don't know," she replies," I had a strange dream."

I explain to her how Leonardo led me to her, and the strange meditation state she was in.

"I don't remember much," she says," the boys got tired, so I put them to bed....and came in here...I think I got tired, too, and fell asleep."

"I guess you were just talking in your sleep, but I don't now why you would be sitting up," I reply.

"Me neither," she says with a smile.

"Well, while you were sleeping I went out and found some fortune cookies," I say.

"Fortune cookies?" She replies questionably.

"Yes, I know," I say," it's not much, but at least it's something. Right?"

"Yoshi," Nichole replies," I told you that if you needed food or anything, I'd be happy to help."

"Thank you, Nichole, but I can't ask you to provide for us all the time," I say seriously.

"I won't be," she replies," besides, that's what friends are for."

"I don't want to burden you," I say.

"That's what family is for," she says softly with a kind smile.

I return the smile as Leonardo crawls over to Nichole.

He places a hand on her harm comfortly. She picks him up and places him in her lap.

"If this is a burden," she says with a smile," I'm happy to carry it."

A/N: hey...I'm back. Once again I apologize for the slow updates, but be patient. I'm shure some one updates slower than me. Any way thanks for reading and this chapter does have a significant meaning to the plot. Again I'm not (always) just righting stuff. I will be updating a "Christmas special" chapter soon. So look forward to that if you will :). Okay that's all for now.

Vote, comment, ect...

See ya next chapter :D

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