Ring+Sonic omochao version

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(Forget the cyborg question it was already answered)
(From DreLovesSkillet and TillyTails )
Sonic.EXE:I love the ring thanks cous *places the ring on Sonic's finger*
Sonic:*smiles and hugs X* tell your cous I said thanks X
Sonic.EXE:*hugs Sonic and smiles* I'll let him know when I get a chance
Scorn(me):you two were dared to play sonic the hedgehog omochao version
Sonic.EXE:ok fine I just hope it isn't one of those games that you can't really win
Sonic&X:*starts playing the game*
*45 loses later*
Sonic.EXE:what kind of game is this shit!? The music is terrible! Everything about this game is F***ING ANNOYING THE SHIT OUT OF ME! THAT DOES IT *teleports into the game and the green hill zone is stained with blood*
Sonic:X what are you doing?
Sonic.EXE:you'll see *dashes off and runs through each zone in 2 seconds then jumps out of the computer* no game beats me! *smirks*
Scorn(me):comment more questions and dares

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