Dare for me+Mobian friends?

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(Dare from NadiaAbilez and question from partypony346 )
Scorn(me):I don't know what I'll get if I eat blue bell ice cream maybe a brain freeze or something else but first Sonic answer your question from NadiaAbilez
Sonic:yeah I'm still in contact with my friends from Mobius in fact they're living in Scorn's mansion with us
Sonic.EXE:*walks into the living room,carrying 2 tubs of blue bell ice cream* here you go *passes the tubs and a spoon to Scorn*
Scorn(me):*opens one of the tubs and starts to eat the ice cream* not bad *eats the ice cream from both tubs in 10 seconds* ow brain freeze *holds my head* X bring me more
Sonic.EXE:you gotta be kidding me? How can you even want m-
Scorn(me):*glaring at X*
Sonic.EXE:*sweat drops* heh...never mind I'll get more *dashes off and comes back with 15 tubs*
*1 hour later*
Scorn(me):*knocked out from numerous brain freezes from eating too much ice cream*
Sonic:I thought she would just eat the 16 tubs you gave her X not 44 tubs
Sonic.EXE:maybe it was a bad idea to give her ice cream since she's an ice cream lover...comment more questions and dares

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