“Here's your food.” the waitress said placing our plates in front of us. “Thanx” We both said together. We spent the rest of the meal stealing french fries off each others plate, it was cute though because we both had our own. We finished eating and Cody paid the bill. I climbed in the car and looked at the time. We had spent over an hour sitting in the diner. It was now 1 o'clock. “So you want me to drop you off now?” he asked. “Yeah I guess.” I said kinda sad our date was ending. We pulled up in front of my house a few minutes later and he walked me to my door. “So I really had fun tonight Selena.” Cody said holding my hand. I smiled. “Me too. We should do it again, if you want.” “Of course I want to.” I smiled. “Well good-night Cody.” I said. “Good-night Selena.”

**Cody's POV:**

As she was about to go in her house I grabbed her hand again. “Selena wait.” She turned around and smiled. “What's wrong?” “Nothing there's just something I have been dying to do for a while now and if I don't do it soon I think I might lose my mind.” “What's that?” I smiled and pulled her close to me. “This.” I said pressing my lips to hers. She smiled against my mouth and kissed me back. It was like sparks. I didn't wanna rush things or push her so I reluctantly pulled away. She had her eyes closed with a smile on her face. Her eyes fluttered open and her gaze met mine. “You have no clue how long I have been waiting for you to do that.” she said. I smiled. “Sine you broke my toy?” She laughed. “Call or text me later. Night Cody.” “Nite Selena.” She turned and went inside her house. “Yes!” I whispered to myself. I had finally got to kiss Selena Lopez and it was flat out amazing. I couldn't wait to do it again.

**Selena's POV:**

When his lips touched mine it was like and electric shock went off in my body. I felt something I had never felt before with anyone. I wanted to deepen the kiss but at the same time I was glad we didn't. It was sweet and gentle. When he pulled away my heart pounded. I blushed and smiled. “You have no clue how long I have been waiting for you to do that.” I said. He smiled. “Since you broke my toy?” I couldn't help but laugh. “Call or text me later. Night Cody.” “Night Selena.” With that I went inside the house and leaned up against the door and smiled. I had just kissed Cody Tucker. I had just kissed my best-friends brother and I liked scratch that loved doing it. I hoped that things between me and Leeann didn't get strange or weird. I smiled standing there. I really liked Cody and it seemed like he liked me too.

I walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink and was surprised by my mother. “Oh hey mom. I made it home before curfew.” She smiled. “I know sweetie I saw you come up with path. She said offering me a cookie. “Oh wait you were spying on me?” I joked. “No right before you kissed I walked away.” I smiled and blushed. “Yeah that figures.” She smiled. “So is he a good kisser?” she asked. I rolled my eyes. “Yes amazing!” I said forgetting I was standing here talking to my mother. “Should we be having the “talk”” she said using air quotes. I blushed even harder. I wasn't sure if mom knew that I had slept with Chad. “God no!” I responded. She nodded. “So what really happened between you and Chad?” she said seriously. I froze once again. “Nothing mom I told it just wasn't working out, all we did was fight.” I said telling a little of the truth. She nodded. “Okay well im glad your happy even if it's not with Chad. Plus your new boyfriend seems nice.” “Whoa! Mom he's not my boyfriend. It was just one date.” She grinned and left the kitchen before pausing to look at me. “Sure he's not.”

I changed into a pj set and pulled my hair into a messy bun. Once I had changed I laid back on my bed. My mothers words kept replaying in my head. “Your new boyfriend.” I didn't know if we were officially dating or not it was only one date. I guess in my mind I kinda wished we were dating. Cody really made me happy, but I didn't want him to think he was the rebound guy. I mean yeah Chad and I had only broken up 6 days ago, but I had had a thing for Cody since we were kids. My thoughts were interrupted when my cell phone rang. I smiled at the caller ID. Cody(:

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