Dont Hate Me

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Please don't hate me especially when you see this isn't a chapter. Please read. It explains so much..

Okay. First of all.
After the last chapter, I went on a week vacation with my adoptive family and we had no internet or signal.
I couldn't update and wattpad would load or open so I couldn't write (I had part of the chapter written and didn't want to start over since my ideas where there) after that week, we came home and I had THREE DAYS to pack all my stuff, and fly to France. There was NO room not even a second to type and update. After that, I had to say goodbye to my family and my mom flew with me to France. She stayed one day there and flew back. As I explained in a few earlier updates, I am going to stay with my bio family for school.
So next thing, my mom left and that was hard for me and her.
I had to un pack and get situated in my new house. It was a slightly easy adjustment except for the fact they speak a completely. different. language. here. Yes, I can speak French but I am not that great at it.
Then, I had two days before I was going into the school as a new, strange, American girl.
That was interesting.
It's not as bad as I thought it was. Especially since they speak English there.
I attend The American School of Paris.
There is people from over 50 countries but they educate us in English as the primary language. That's a relief it's self.
I've made friends and it very nice.
So the first week I had time but I was more focused on getting into the school and not stressing out.
The reason it took so long to actually update was because I had to switch phone plans. I didn't have a cell phone for a week, and I left my laptop charger conveniently in America. So I had to get a new one. But once I got a new phone, we had to hook it up and it took longer than you think. Plus I didn't get the new phone till my third week there.
That was two weeks ago.. I think.

I do admit the week after I could have updated but I did spend time writing the chapter. But I never finished it.
Then... As everyone knows..
There was terrorist attacks in Paris..

That's where I am. A few hours but I am in France. I actually live in Saint-Cloud. Weird name, right?
But it's 6 miles from the center of Paris.

Well that was a travesty and honestly I've never seen people so dedicated to their country. Nevertheless I'm okay. I can't explain though how I feel about the people who were murdered. That's inhumane. Every school was closed and France was on lock down. Why must there be so much travesty in this world.

I'm working on this chapter and I can promise I'm trying so hard to update. Thanks for all your concern and support. I love you all.
As always,
Your Marie xx

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