Chapter I - Strange links

Start from the beginning

"Naruto!" I called, and the blonde looked at me with those big blue orbs that very much matched my own.

"What? You're so annoying, believe it!" he clearly still hadn't forgiven me for pulling a kunai on Sakura. I just smiled at him.

"You're so cute! Aww, like a little kitty!" I squealed girlishly, jumping up and pinching his cheeks where his whiskers were while he blushed and the others snickered.

"Hey get off me!" he yelled as I hugged him. He was oddly recognisable, for some odd reason I couldn't place. I looked at him for a minute.

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" I squinted at him, there was something about his face...

"No way! I'd remember someone as annoying as you!" he said, but I ignored him and went over to my bag.

"I'm leaving now!" I announced, but the Uchiha kid stopped me; evidently he had regained feeling in his arm.

"Kakashi... we should take her with us..." he said to his sensei, and Kakashi nodded.

"Who says I'm going with you?! I have someone I have to find!" That was me, irritated now. Who did these people think they were?!

"Look, we have just finished our mission here, so we should be home now, but instead we elongated our time helping you! I haven't had ramen in a week! You owe us this at least!" Naruto fumed.

"It seems you know something about a certain person we are... interested in. So if you would come with us..." Kakashi reasoned.

I pouted, and my stomach growled.

"Fine. If you buy me lunch." I smiled brightly when he nodded.

* * *

"Itadaki-masu!" I said, licking my lips as I broke my chopsticks, digging into the noodles. I swallowed a mouthful and sighed happily.

"What is this?! It is the best thing I've ever eaten!" I exclaimed, shoving more into my mouth.

"You've never had ramen before?!" Naruto exclaimed, and I stared at him blankly, shrugged, and then continued my meal.

"Itachi-sensei would- occasionally sneak- me some of his- dango when he could." you said between mouthfuls. "Pein-sama was very- strict on my diet."

Kakashi just looked at me, seeming to process what I'd said.

"Ahh, Gochisou-sama!" I smiled happily, and leaned back in my seat, my hands resting over my full belly. Not only was that the best thing I'd ever eaten, that bowl of ramen was also the largest amount of food I'd ever had in one sitting! I felt positively stuffed! I noticed the others staring at me, and frowned.

"She eats even quicker than Naruto!" Sakura whispered, and I just grinned at her. Eventually they got over it, though, and finished their meals.

"How could you, sensei? I need more than just three bowls!" Naruto wailed, and I laughed.

"Naruto we have a long way to walk. If you eat too much you'll be sick again." Kakashi pointed out, and Naruto dropped his head to the table top, groaning.

Eventually they turned on me.

"Well then? Are you going to explain how you know my brother?" Sasuke asked, calmly this time.

"It's quite simple, really. I was found as a young baby by the Akatsuki. They brought me up, and one day, a few years back, this new guy showed up. Pein-sama thought that his abilities would come in handy for the organisation, so let him join. Then he became my new sensei." I smiled, remembering it.

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