Chapter 8 - Death

Start from the beginning

"What? No. This is not your fault. If anything, it's mine. I shouldn't even have gone out on a run when I knew I was in heat. It's okay now. My scent is probably already gone there. Don't worry, ok?" I smiled as I pressed my lips against his.

He kissed me back instantly, with so much passion and love that I couldn't help but smile even wider. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him, not once breaking the kiss.

He continued kissing me as we lay on my bed. I wanted to push him away, but my hands felt weak. I tried to force some words out of mouth, to tell him to stop, but my throat felt dry. It was too late, my wolf had taken over, and she was needy. Really needy. It was almost as if, she knew that I wouldn't let her be with Jace, so she was trying to make do with Austin. I held back a chuckle. I was just lying to myself. Nothing will help the need of my wolf, except my mate.

I heard the sound of glass shattering and I felt Austin's body being pushed away from mine. I didn't need to look to figure out who was there. I could smell his scent and my wolf was howling in joy. It was Jace, no doubt. I gasped in realisation.

Darn it. He found me. Urgh. Time to prepare myself to go back to hell. I could fight him, make him let me stay here with Austin. No, that wouldn't work. He has alpha blood in him, which makes him way stronger than I am. I'll try, but the chance of me winning was slim. I was willing to take that chance though.

I heard Austin scream. The sound snapped me back to reality. My eyes widened as i saw Jace bite into Austin's leg, causing it to bleed profusely. I cringed at the sight. He is definitely going to need stiches.

"JACE! STOP IT! STOP IT PLEASE!" I cried loudly, tears filling my eyes and threatening to spill over. He ignored me, barely glancing at my direction. Instead, he continuosly bit Austin in various places. Werewolves heal fast. If you wanted to kill one, you had to do it quick, before all his wounds heal. That was exactly what Jace was doing. I tried to seek my wolf for help, but all i heard from her was her nagging voice telling me to go back to Jace. She was annoying, as usual. She never liked Austin, so she was actually glad he was dying.

"You're her mate? The jerk that killed her pack and chained her up? You don't deserve Brooke as a mate. It's no wonder why she ran away from you. Now you're just going to drag her back to your pack. What kind of mate are you? I may not be her mate, but i treat her better than you ever did." Austin managed to say despite all his injuries.

His words seemed to anger Jace further. He lunged at Austin again, in hopes of injuring him further. Austin was quicker though. He immediately shifted into his wolf and dodged Jace's attack.

Jace growled and he bit into Austin's side, tearing a chunk of flesh out. Really gross, I know. Imagine having to look at it.

I put myself between the two of them, trying to stop the fight. Didn't work though. Austin pushed me to the side with his snout and gave me a look that said, "Don't."

They circled each other. Then, Jace attacked Austin from the side once more, and Austin's body was flung to the other side of my room. I could've sworn I heard the crunching sound of bones breaking, so when Austin got up again, looking like he wasn't hurt at all, I was shocked.

Austin ran forward towards Jace and bit him on his front leg.

The fight went on like that. Both of them biting each other with all the strength they could muster.

Jace was winning, of course. He's an alpha. No matter how strong Austin was, Jace was stronger.

Austin was losing too much blood. Pretty soon, he's pass out. He lay on the ground, surrounded by bits and pieces of furniture and ornaments that they broke during the fight. He was going to pass out any minute now.

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