Chapter 67: Part 4

Start from the beginning

The girl was taken a back from her response but then a wicked grin formed on her lips, "You probably will you whore."

Camila cringed at the word before she brought herself back together to reply, "A woman's sexual life does not define her. Whether I'm actually doing things with Lauren or not. It doesn't matter. None of your delusions do and they sure as hell don't define me."

"Whatever. I just hope you know how lucky you are."

"And why is that?"

"Because Lauren has enough decency to fuck a nerd like you when she could be fucking me."

Camila's blood was boiling at this point.

"Getting a little mad there Bows?"


"Come on spit it out."

"What if...what if she actually liked me?" Camila asked, immediately regretting it.

Jade laughed, "Do you honestly think that she could? If anything you'd be an infatuation just like every other girl she's been with. Lauren would never be with you. There's no way she'd date a loser like you. She's Lauren Jauregui. And because of it, sometimes I wonder if anybody's good enough for her..."

"What's so wrong if she did though?"

She looked petrified, "Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I want to know."

"Well, if you really want me to break it to you Bows, you're a nobody. And Lauren...she's a somebody. If that ever happened, it'd just be wrong."


"Because that's just how things are."

Camila's fist clenched her pen in her hand before she turned back in her seat and focused on the assignment in front of her.

After finishing it, she looked over to her friend Dinah who had been gazing at Zendaya from across the room. Camila had to do a double take to process it. And Dinah was definitely drooling all over the new transfer.

At first, Camila tried not to think much of it, but as the day rolled on, it started to become a common reoccurrence.

At lunch, the brunette couldn't help but ask, "Dinah, what are you staring at?"

The Polynesian quickly snapped out of the trance, "Huh?"

"What were you looking at?"

"That girl over there." She pointed.

"Do you know her?" Darren asked.


"Then?" Ally asked.

"Then what?" Dinah asked unsure what they were implying.

"Why have you been heart eyes over her all day?" Camila asked.

"Cause she's hot. Why else?"

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