Chapter 6: You're so dead

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A second later, Jason comes in Moonlight and I's room. As he comes closer, I get a whiff of his sent. It's oranges and earth mixed and its the same one as Red Hood.

'I doubt that very much,' I think to myself.

"Morning, gorgeous," He says. His voice is really simmer to Red Hood's.

"OK," I say.

'Is it just me or is he the same height as Red Hood?' I ask myself, looking Jason up and down.

"Like what you see?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me.

'Stupid hormones,' I think to myself, still looking Jason up and down.

"Come on, Emma, or we'll be late," He says. My jaw drops at the way he says my name. Suddenly the whole thing fits together.

'The voice, the smell, the height, and the way he says my name. Red Hood is Jason and I'm in love with them,' I think to myself.

I jump out of my bed and rush over to Jason and throw my arms around him. Then I mash my lips against his. I feel him tense for a second, then he returns my kiss. I pull away just for a minute.

I raise my hand and punch Jason in the stomach. He grunts in pain and bends over.

"You could have just told me last night!" I shout at him, hot tears running down my face.

"I wanted to surprise you with this," Jason says as he gets down on one knee and pulling out a velvet ring box.

"Emmarelda Heap, you've made me smile since the first time I met you. I love the way you smile and look at the ground when I'm around. I love the way you never let anyone get away with anything around you. And I love the way you drool in your sleep. Will you make me the happiest guy around and marry me?"He said. My jaw is on the floor and happy tears are running down my face.

I open my mouth to say 'yes' but I think of what George did to me. Its his baby, not Jason's, in me.

'What will Jason say when I tell him? What will the others think when I tell them?' I ask myself.

"Emma, what is it? What ever it is, I know we can work it out together," Jason says, seeing me hesitate.

"I'm pregnant, and its not your baby!" I shout, tears poring down my face. I wait for Jason to back away, to look disgusted, or yell out me. But he doesn't. He moves closer and pulls my hands away from my face and holds them in his.

"I don't care. I still love you," he says and my heart skips a beat.

'He still wants me, even though I'm pregnant,' I think to myself.

"Then the answer to your question is-," I start to say as someone bursts into the room through the window.

My Crazy Ex-boyfriend (A Batman and Percy Jackson Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now