Chapter Thirty Four

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Those were the words I wanted to say. So bad, did I want to say it but I couldn't because something warm had covered my mouth and when I looked up, the witch that had casted the memory spell had kneeled before me. "You don't want to do that, Luna."

I stared at her through my tears as they dropped down and placed themselves on her hand. She took it away and caressed my cheeks, "It hurts...I know." I hung my head once again and silently sobbed. She cradled me in her arms as she slightly rocked us. "Let it all out, Luna. You shouldn't have to always hold it in," she cooed.

After who knows how long, we sat crossed legged across from each other and sat in silence until she spoke, "Why do you feel as though you owe your wolf a favor?"

I looked to her and shrugged my shoulders. "I honestly don't know why I do. I feel as though she saved both our lives, giving us another chance to do things over, but...I didn't want to do things over. I knew she was hurt, but so was I," I explained through a shaky voice. I looked to Cathy, the witch, as she simply nodded her head in understanding.

"So basically, she tricked you," Cathy said then laughed a short one. "Your damn wolf tricked both of you. Say, why isn't it that you haven't shifted yet?"

"I've been holding her back. I wouldn't allow the shift to happen," I looked to the ground and pulled at the grass. "She's been pushing and I could feel my eyes jolt whenever I get really angry."

Cathy took a deep breath, "Good. Because she deserves it for tricking both of you."

I finally cracked a smile and scoffed, "It won't be long though until I will shift. Or if I ever let it happen."

I then took a very deep breath and let it out slow, "Why did you stop my rejection?"

Cathy leaned back on her hands and uncrossed her legs to extend it. "Because you two were meant to be together as mates should. Make this work, Luna. And don't worry about the Alpha King. I didn't make him as his own item to hold his memories."

She went into her pocket and pulled out a wood carved necklace of my wolf. I had to blink a few times to register it in, "You did that?" I slowly reached out as she placed it in my hand.

Cathy smirked, "In that amount of time? Dear, hell no. I have had dreams of your wolf plenty of times before we had met. I just never thought that the night you guys have came to me would be the day to meet you in person."

"I was fascinated and became a fan girl really," she said with a smile and leaned forward with a grin. "I finally met the wolf that was made from the bones of a King's chest. Do you know how long I've waited for this? Hundreds of years."

I raised both my brows and dropped my jaw, "So, you're like..."

"Over a thousand years old, yes," she said proudly with a chuckle. "I don't look like it but I am."

"I was going to say that you don't even look that old. You look like you're in your early twenties."

"Age spell, it's awesome," she cockily said laughing once again.

I shook my head and stood up, "Thanks Cathy. For everything."

She stood up and brushed her butt, "Any time you need someone, I'll be there for you. That's a promise. But do tell me...what did you decide to do?"

I puckered my lip a bit, "I'm going to at least try. Even though what he just did had hurt me badly, I guess I'll have to act like I didn't see anything. Weird though, usually by now-"

A loud howl was heard in the distance making both of us look in the direction. Cathy snickered, "I guess you spoke too soon. Well, until we meet again, Leena Rykal." Cathy gave me a small bow and walked away towards the trees.

An Alpha To Claim And Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें