McFly Materializes at Camp - Chapter 10

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Okay I know people don’t normally read this stuff up here and just go straight to the story but please just read this. So I am very sorry that I have not uploaded in months. I don’t really have an excuse, except for that I haven’t really been motivated to right. I’ve been stressed since the beginning of summer from having my brothers back. Anyways I want to say I’m sorry and that I will be uploading more often and also Ways to Make Your Parents Think You’re Crazy will be the story that is uploaded the most because I’m putting that in the Watty Awards, so please go check it out and vote. :)

Now onto the story.

Chapter 10

I didn’t know what to say in reply to his amazing compliment. All I could think was Tom Poytner was standing outside of the room talking to me, me of all people. Wait, What? He can’t be standing there. It’s an illusion. Yes that’s it, it’s a total and complete illusion because I’ve been crying, and I probably have mascara running down my face. Also, I bet I have red puffy eyes. Ugh, I’m a train wreck.

“Are you okay?” Crud, he’s real and not an illusion.

“What,” He said laughing while I had major confusion written on my face. “You thought I was an illusion. Why?”

“Um no reason at all,” I threw at him hoping he wouldn’t ask any further because I would be royally embarrassed.

“Okay then. So why did you stop?” he chuckled and then got serious, but all I could do was wonder is this guy oblivious to my tears or something.

“I just couldn’t finish it.” That was all I could say since he seems to want to know a reason as to why I stopped. 

“Would you like to elaborate on that?” He climbed into the room while asking me this certain question with totally seriousness, like he really wanted to hear what I had to say.

“Well it was my mother and I’s last dance together before she died.” I didn’t even think about not telling him.

 I don’t know, but there was something about him that let me want to open up to him, and tell all my secrets to and I meant every single secret I was hiding. But I really hope he doesn’t decide to tell anyone about this because I really don’t want people’s sympathy. I just want to have a good summer without everyone feeling sorry for me or the twins.

“I won’t tell anyone about your mom.” I looked at him funny and confused as to how he literally read my mind when he started laughing. “I didn’t read your mind and I’m not physic I just could see that you were regretting telling me what you just told me. And again I didn’t read your mind but I did read your face.”

“Oh, that makes perfect sense but I wish you were physic.” I finished with a pout.

He chuckled softly, “And why would you wish that?”

“To find out if I will be a good mother to my brother and sister.” I answered in my head.

“Well that’s a good thing to want to see but you will find out the old fashioned way. And the old fashioned way would be by learning and figuring it out. Since you can figure this out at anytime right now let’s get you cleaned up.” Answering, what I thought was something I said in my head, back gently while standing up.

Tom put his hand out in front of my face and beckoned for me take his hand. I grabbed a hold of it and he hauled me up. I stumbled a bit and he got a hold around my waist to steady me. I looked up at him when I finally got my balance back. His eyes were so captivating; they just draw you in and smother you with warmth. I had to look away quickly because I could feel my cheeks warm up with embarrassment and I bet he could probably see what I’m feeling, which in turn would be more embarrassing. So in the end not only would I be embarrassed by my embarrassment but also the fact that I couldn’t handle that intense gaze he had locked onto me. Realizing he was still holding me when I turned away from his gaze I tried to shuffle my way away from him, but he kept a firm grip around my waist.

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