18 / hospital

386 15 2

Cody's P.O.V.

I look at her sleeping so peacefully. Her arm is bandaged up, and she's hooked up to the monitor. After our argument, she passed out cold, still bleeding heavily. I had to call her mother, who's gone completely mental on me. I guess she really didn't know. I'd never noticed the faded scars on her arms. I wish I had. I should've known. I should've protected her. Can I protect her when I'm not here?
I pull out my phone and go on Twitter.

She's in the hospital. I hope you're happy.

It's cold. Very cold. But I can't help it. I'm so fucking mad that they drove her to this point. Sure, it might seem stupid to cut over some people hating on you, but when you're overwhelmed as is, it doesn't take much to push you over the edge. She's insecure, and I can tell that she doesn't love herself. When people basically confirm your irrational thoughts that you're worthless...this can happen. And it did. And I couldn't protect her.
As I mentally beat myself up, she stirs, her eyes opening a bit.
"Ariel," I let out a breath of relief, and her eyes flicker to me.
"Cody," she breathes, reaching her hand out to me. "What happened?"
"You don't remember?" I take her hand in both of mine, and she smiles and shakes her head. "You—you...cut." I feel tears forming in my eyes. "You cut too deep."
"I did?"
"Yes. You did."
"And you saw me...like that?"
"You might be dead right now if I hadn't gone over to your house," I whisper, looking into her brown eyes.
"I'm sorry."

Cody Herbinko // DMs 2Where stories live. Discover now