Chapter 3

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"I'm like a bird I'll only fly away, I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my soul is" I sang happily as I got ready to go the movies with Jace and his leach of a girlfriend.

"Knock knock knock." Jace said rather unamused as he walked into my bedroom which in turn caused me to scramble for a shirt.

"Come on man we've been friends for how long now? I don't care if you aren't wearing a shirt." Jace said while rolling his eyes.

I however, did not stop my incessant mission for a shirt.

Finally finding a Twenty-One Pilots t-shirt in my drawer I pulled it over my head and hid myself from the very hot, very straight boy that was my best friend.

I gave him a blank expression before turning to my radio and disconnecting my phone from it and shutting it off.

"I'm ready." I said grabbing my favorite pair of shoes and slipping them on.

"Let's go!" He smiled at me while walking through the doorway.

I followed after him and then down our grand staircase into the foyer.

"We're leaving mom!" I yelled out for her to here.

After no reply I decided to just text her.

Pulling my phone out I texted her my whereabouts and headed out the door with Jace.

Sitting in the back seat of Jace's car was weird. I'd never done it before.

The view of Jace and Vanessa holding hands on the center console wasn't really a welcomed sight either but I chose not to acknowledge it to much.

Oh that was a lie. I very rudely kicked my shoes off and put my feet out so they rested on the console disrupting the hand holding session.

Vanessa shot me a dirty look to which I smirked and put on Jace's sunglasses which were for whatever reason laying in the back seat.

We pulled into the theater and got tickets to some horror movie no doubt Vanessa would pretend to be scared and Jace would pretend to be concerned and put his arm around her in pretend chivalry while she'd pretend whimper while I'd pretend not be bothered by it while she'd pretend not to notice me pretend not to be bothered by her pretending to be scared which would cause Jace to pretend to care and put his arm around her in pretend chivalry which would in turn result in the whole entire pretending-fest of a circle we had going on in the top row of seats.

As expected, the first jump scare Vanessa flew half way out of her seat and miraculously landed in Jace's chest.

He wrapped her arms around her in that ever so fake chivalrous was all the while she gave me the side glance as if to say "he's mine not yours."

I stood up half way through the movie and said I had to go to the bathroom and exited the movie theater.

To try and put into words the amount of anger, jealousy, loneliness, and despair I was feeling at that moment in the bathroom was quite the task.

I decided to call Carter.

It rings three times before he finally picks up the phone.

"Hey" I say into the phone.

"What's up?" He inquiries on the other side.

"Can you come pick me up from the movies?" I ask trying to hide the pleading in my voice.

"Uh.. Yeah. Sure." He replies.

"It'll be just a few minutes though. Ten at the most." He informs me.

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