Chapter 2

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When I woke up Jace was in the bathroom. Probably puking his guts up.

I walked to the bathroom and knocked lightly on the door.

"Hey you in there Jace?" I asked.

In response I got a miserable groan.

I walked downstairs and got three aspirin and a glass of water.

I opened the door and found him laying curled up on the ground with his eyes shut tight.

I reached out and tilted his head up which prompted a load groan of discomfort to come from his perfect lips.

"Take this." I ordered as his eyes opened. He took the asprin and swallowed them chugging the water down.

"Thanks." He said before going back into the fetal position.

Even crumpled and sick on my bathroom floor he looked unbelievably sexy.

I strolled back downstairs to get breakfast but pouted at the top shelf where the cereal was.

I tried reaching it but I couldn't. So I resorted to climbing up the shelves until I could get it.

Just as my hand gripped the box of sugary goodness I heard the front door open and I froze on the shelf.

"Colby what on earth are you doing?" My mom asked exasperatedly.

"You know uh just getting breakfast." I stated dumbly.

"In your Batman boxers?" She questioned amused.

I looked down and I was in fact in my boxers. My Batman boxers.

I put the cereal back and dropped to my feet to run upstairs and change.

I ran in my room and started digging through my drawers looking for clothes to wear.

I put on some cotton pants and a t shirt.

When I turned around Jace was standing there starring at me with a strange look on his face.

I turned beat red.

"Did you uh see me in like my uh underwear?" I asked meekly.

"Yes." He stated plainly.

"Your Batman underwear." He added.

We sat there awkwardly for a few moments before he shifted nervously and rushed to the bathroom.

Probably to puke again. Poor thing.

Making the trek back downstair and the ever treacherous climb to the top shelf to get the cereal down I got a bowl and made myself some cereal and a second bowl for Jace.

I sat down at the table and waited for him. It was a good ten minutes before he came downstairs. I had already finished two bowls of cereal and his was turning to mush in the milk.

"Well good morning Jace." I said while I watched him miserably shuffle his feet to the table.

"That's yours bye the way." I informed him as he sat down. He pulled the bowl over to himself and began to stir the cereal around.

"Not hungry." He stated.

I looked at him with concerned eyes. "C'mon. Eat. It'll make you feel better." I said while getting up and patting his bare back.

Oh my gosh. How on earth could I have just now realized he had no shirt on? Those rippling abs and hot pecs. And those nipples. Mm. I think its getting hot in here. Wait. No. You can't go getting excited now I thought to myself. Your friend needs you not a lay.

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