Entry 0.5

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Ross was now on the couch, lying on the couch cushion with a blanket over him. "Ross, you didn't tell me anything about all of this."

"Why should I? More people feeling sorry for me? No thanks. I already have people in my life. "Not enough people Ross." he says. Ross rolled his eyes as he picks up a half way filled beer bottle, and began to drank. He put it doesn't seconds later. "Ross, I have no right to say this, but I think you should stop this."

"You know what Calum. You're right. You have no right to say that." Ross replies, clearly back-firing him. "I'll just have a chat with you're family."

"What? You think I'm five years old?" Ross rolled his eyes. "No. But I think you should see a therapist."

"I already am." he says, "But I skip."

"I'm so proud."


"I was kidding."

"When are you not?" Ross rolled his eyes and got up from the couch. He takes off his R5 necklace, and looks at it. "The occasional slap made me take this off 7 years ago."

"You're so old."

"Says you." he rolled his eyes. Ross throws his necklace in a cabinet of some kind, walking into the kitchen which was mixed with the living room, but there was a counter there. "I can't even make you laugh anymore." Calum says. Ross stays silent. "Come on, I was only a stupid joke about being old-"
"Look, its not even that. You haven't even known me for about 5 minutes and 29 seconds. At least THIS me." he snaps, and talks quickly as he's at it. He takes out a cigarette and puts it in between his lips, lighting it up. Calum sighs, as Ross takes out the cigarette from his pink lips. "Now, leave, and never come back." he said straight up. Calum was not surprised. "Oh, and by the way if you didn't know..." Calum said, before exiting the house.

"Merry Christmas."


Christmas lights lit up the streets of California, as most families we're together, gathering around, eating. As weird as this will sound, not every family did.

Even some goodbyes we're made.

"I'll miss you." he says, hugging her. Aubree smiles at Autumn. "I'll miss you too."



And she walked over to a truck where her real father and mother stood. "Goodbye Laura." the mother said. "Goodbye Courtney."

And they drove off. Autumn felt like crying, but he didn't. He knew he'll miss her, but, there we're so many other things to cry about. "Lets get inside." Laura says. He nods, and they go right back in their house. Autumn was still questioning the Holiday. "Are we gonna do something this year?" he asks her. She sighs. "No honey."

Autumn sighs in disappointment, but walks upstairs to his room which felt empty, and looked empty. He would only see his ex-sister sleeping all day long, and it kind of made him smile for some reason. Suddenly, there was a knock at his window. He looked towards his windows, finding Evan standing there. He opens it. "Hey." he says. 

Autumn nods. "Whats up?" he asks Autumn, seeing the suckey mood. "Nothing. Just leave it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure." Autumn reassures him. Evan nods. "You're spending Christmas alone?" he asks. Autumn nods. "Pretty much. We always used to have something planned. But now, we don't. I just think it feels incomplete if we do, so I understand." he says. Evan takes out a cigar. "You need one of  these in your life." he says. Autumn rolls his eyes. "Smoking can give lung cancer."

"Then whats the fun of it if you just keep insulting it?" he says, lighting it up. Autumn shrugs. "Do you have Asthma?" Evan asks Autumn. He shakes his head. "Then you're good." he says, and he began to smoke. He passes it to Autumn. "Wanna try?"

Autumn was curious, but not that curious. 

"No." he says. "C'mon please." he begs. Autumn looks at his pleading eyes. "Fine! But its on you if I get lung cancer." he says. He inhales the smoke, but begins to choke, and pulls away. Evan chuckled. "Not funny." he says.

"Merry Christmas."


No lynch or Marano celebrated. Not even lights. It wasn't going to even be worth it if there wasn't a whole complete family. It wasn't worth it all. Christmas felt like a normal day, yet sad and lonely.
Whats the point of Christmas and being alone when being alone is spent with your family?

Riker just sat there, thinking about all the things that could have happened if Ross never got that audition for Austin and Ally. All the things that could have happened if Ross hadn't gone missing. All the things that could have happened if Ross and Laura never met. All the things that could have happened if none of the them existed.

He scrolled through his instagram, looking at the fans comments on that one photo he posted of Rocky and Lucy on a couch with her on his lap. Most of the comments we're 'Ooh how adorable.' but others, had expectations. One looked like, 'Nothing for Christmas? I'm disappointed.'

Ross immediately shut his phone off one he heard his mom walk in. "Riker?" she called. He looks up to meet eyes with hers. "Yeah?" he replied. She looks around the room.

"What are we gonna do?" she sighed.

"I don't know."


hi there

I'm sick... :(

I'm too sick to go to school, so yeah. I'm supposed to be at school now, but Im at home being lazy! :p
My right ear is really clogged because I'm sick, and I tried everything.
I tried chewing gum, I tried pinching my nose and breath with my mouth closed, I tried yawning, I tried burping, I tried swallowing a lot, I tried digging in my ear, I tried wiggling my ear, I tried banging on it, I tried looking up and moving my jaw forward, I tried jumping and shaking my head,

(list goes on more than that but u get it)

I tried legit everything. Its still clogged and Im still sick. It might be mucas inside because I'm sick, or an infection.  I don't know. Im annoyed.


The ending to this book is very soon.... maybe in the next two chapters. (probably)
enjoy while it lasts. BYE


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