Entry 0.2

536 31 35

Lips connected. 

But they suddenly pulled away. "Why did you do that?" He asked, pursing his lips together. "Because.... you ramble a lot, just like your mother." She said. Autumn was blushing. "Did you like it?" He asked, fiddling with around with his fingers. "Yup. I realllyyy did." She said. He blushed. 


Aubree laid on the couch, chill. She suddenly heard the door open. "Hey Autumn!" She said. "Hey-- Wait Aubree!? What are you doing here!?"

"I came here to live with you!"

"Cool!" He said. She suddenly realized his hair was really messy. "What we're you guys doing over there? Making out?" She joked. He blushed, and went upstairs. She gasped. "So you we're making out!" She squealed and followed him upstairs. "Autumn kissed kelly! Autumn kissed Kelly! Autumn kissed-"

"Sh!" He pulled her in his room, and shut the door. "You'll never know who might be listening." He whispered. 




He sighed and facepalmed. "Why are girls so weird..." He sighed, shaking his head. Her laughter had stopped, and she looked at him seriously. "What did you just say?" She asked. "Nothing." He said quickly.

"Thats what I thought."


Ross played the guitar in his room.

"Come on, skinny love, just last a year-"

He heard knocking at the door. He sighed and put the gutiar down.

He opened the door, finding his sister standing there. "Ross." She said. "What is it?" He said. "How are you."

"I'm fine." He grumbled. "You don't look-"

"Leave me alone! All I ever had was a bunch older kids bossing me around all the time! I'm tired of it! So just go away!" He shouted. "We only care about you Ross-"

He slapped her. "I don't care. Now get out of my house before I kill you." He said. "Ross, your not actually gonna kill me. I'm your sis-"

He pulled out a gun. "Get out. Now." He said, pointing the gun at her. She backed away. "Ross. Im your sister. I-"

"Get out." He repeated. "I-"

"I said get out!!!!!!" He shouted. He pointed the gun in the air and shoots. She raced out the house. He threw the gun on the floor, and smirked.


Autumn and Aubree talked, but suddenly, they heard someone laughing, and banging. "What the hell?" She asked, reaching for the door. "No!" He pulled her away from the door. "What?"

"Don't come out until shes asleep."


"Because the last I came out, she hit me." He said, locking the door. "Wow. She's crazy." She said. "No, she's not crazy. Shes just um.. Drunk. That's all." He said. "Alright alright.So anyways, admitt it! You made out with her!" She said. "Okay okay maybe a little." He said. "How did i start?" She asked. "Well, We we're talking, and I rambled on about how we're best friends and-"

"OH so she did the, 'just shut up already'. Classic." She chuckled. "Continue."

"Then after we um.. did that, She asked me if I liked it."

Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now