Entry 0.5

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Aubree on the media-----

The speaker called a few names, until Autumn and Aubree heard their names called. "We can finally get out of this hell hole!!" Aubree cheered. "Wait what-"

"When they call your name with nothing else, that means that you finally get out!" She said. 'So we leave everything here?" He asked. "Yes, Autumn." She said. They walk out the room, and report to the main room. He sees his mother standing there. "Mommy!" He squealed, and hugged her tightly. "I missed you hun." She smiled, kissed his head. "Look at my new friend Aubree." He said, pointing at Aubree.

"Oh hi. Your getting out too?" She asked. "Yup."

"Oh, who are you going with-" Autumn interrupted, and whispered in her ear. "Oh. Well Im sorry to hear." She said. "Eh its okay. I've lived like that for a couple years." She shrugged. "Oh, well we have to get going. Autumn has school tomorrow."

"But Mom!"

"No buts."

"Haha, you just said butt." Aubree giggled. Laura rolled her eyes, and looked at Aubree. For some reason, she felt as if something was right in front of her face, but she couldn't see it.

Aubree looked like Ross for some reason, but she must be hallucinating.

"Goodbye." Aubree said, and she left the place. "I'm guessing I wont see her for awhile." He said. "Oh Autumn." Laura sighed, picking him up, and they left. 


Ross was on the couch drunk. He accidently knocked down a plastic cup. He laughed. "Oh well."

He suddenly hears a knock on the door. He clumsily walks over to the door and opens it, finding Maia standing there. "What do you want?" He asked. She sniffed, and smelled alcohol. "Ross? Are you drinking again?" She asked. "No.." He said. "Don't lie to me Ross." She said.

"Maybe a little." He slurred. She eyed him. "Okay maybe a lot." He slurred his words, and laughed. "Ross. You need to stop drinking." She put a hand on his shoulder. He shaked. 

Slap her hand off!

She's gonna get you!

He flinched and slapped her hand off him. "Don't touch me!" He said. Maia looked at him. "Stop it." She said calmly, walking towards him. He backed away. 

Tell her to go away!

No wait, hit her!

Once she got really close, she put her hands on his shoulder. He flinched and slapped her hardly, pushed her away, she fell to the floor. "Get out. " He said. 

"Ross I-"

"Get out. And never come back again." He said.

She stayed there. "GET OUT! I'll hit you again!" He said. She got up, and stayed there.

Hit her!

"GET OUT!!" Ross yelled, and pulled her hair making her gasp. As he pulled her hair, He slapped her, and pushed her on the floor again. She was stunned. 

Ross' mind came back to reality. He looked at her. "M-Maia... I'm really sorry....." He whispered. "I don't know what happening to me!!" He cried. He threw himself on the couch, his back facing her, and he cried softly. She got up slowly. "Ross. Its okay." She whispered. She put a hand on his back. "Please don't touch me." He said. She pulled her hand away, letting him cry. She sighed, and left the house.

It was official.

It was dangerous to enter that house. Her leg, head, arms now had bruises and slap marks. How was she gonna tell her workers?

Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now