Chapter 12 ~ Entry 0.1

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Kellumoreth walks off, and leaves Autumn there, stunned. Tears began to fall out. He runs up the doorstep, and Kristina pulls him into a hug. "Its okay Autumn.. I'm still here."

"One day your gonna leave." he said, still not pulling away from the hug. "I wont."

They pull away. "Pinkie promise?" he asked, pulling out his small pinkie. She giggled.

"Pinkie promise." 

And they tied their pinkies together.



"Ross, I wanted to go first!" Laura whined, trying to steal the TV controller. He giggled and smiled. "Fine, but on one condition." he says. She rolled her eyes. "What?"

"You have to kiss me." he smirked. "Well that's easy-"

"But you have to chase me!" he jumped off from the couch, and ran up the stairs.  "No fair! I'm tired!" she whined, and she ran after him. Once she caught him, she tippy toed in front of him, and kissed him softly on the lips, putting her hands behind his neck, pulling him closer. He wrapped his arms around her waist, continuing to kiss.

Autumn walks in. "Mommy, do you have-- Nope.." he turns back around, walking inside his room.

They pulled away from their kiss in the hallway. "I love you." she whispered.

"I love you too."


Autumn's voice was shaky. He was frozen. He didn't know what to say. He found his mother throwing empty glass bottle around the house, breaking them. He backed away slowly, hoping his mother didn't see him, but she did. "What the fuck are you looking at!?!?" she yelled at him. He flinched. She raised a bottle up, and threw it at him, and being lucky, he dodged it, but part of it hit him, making him fall.

He ran out the door as quick as possible, and pulled out his phone, dialing a number. He was crying at this point, as the phone rang. "Hello?" a tired yet blunt voice answered. "D-Daddy?" tears we're falling from his cheeks. "Autumn? What is it?"

"Mom threw glass at me." he sniffled. "What!? Why the fuck would she do that for?" he said, furiously. "I dunno...c-can you come for teachers conference today?" he said, gently. 

"Alright. What time?"

"Right now..." he said, still in a quiet gentle voice.

"I'll be right there."

And he hung up.


Ross arrived 8 minutes later, concerned about his son, but was on his mind, was Laura.

She wouldn't do anything like that. Even if she was drunk. She would still know. She's a mother after all. Ross walked over to Autumn, who was sitting at the doorstep, waiting for his father. "Hey, Aut." his father called. Autumn looked at him, and quickly ran down the stairs, giving him an enormous hug. Well, on the legs. Autumn was still short.

"Shortie." he joked. Autumn looked at him. "I'm not short."

"You are hella short." he said, in jest. Autumn rolled his eyes as they walked to the school. The bandage from a month ago was still around his forehead. It was getting old. "I think its time for you to get rid of that shit." he said, referring to the bandage wrapped around his forehead.

Despite the fact that he curses in front of his son, he's a great father either way.

Ross slowly took it off, revealing his forehead. The cut was gone. It was a large cut, straight across the forehead. "Hey, I just realized something." Autumn said, looking at him. "Oh yeah? And whats that?"

"We have the same cut." he smiled, making Ross bend down, and points to his fathers forehead. If you looked closely, the scar across his forehead was seen. "How did that happen?" he asked him, curiously.

"Ice hockey." he said, and they continued to walk, as Ross threw out the bandage. 

"We're the same now." Autumn adds. Ross chuckles. "Nope. We're the same, but different in our own little ways, don't you think?" he asks, waiting for agreement. Autumn nods. "Yeah."

They arrive to the school, and Autumn finally noticed that his father was a little tipsy. "Did you dink something?" he asks. "Eh.. not really." he lies, but for how naive Autumn is, he believes him. "OK."


Autumn and Ross walk into the classroom. It was their turn now. "Hello." the teacher greets them, gesturing for them to sit down. They sat down. "Well, I'm Ms Olli, and I, have your child's work, but first, I really want to talk about something." she says, and pulls out his portfolio. She takes a glance at Ross again, and notices that he was tipsy. She ignored it. 

She pulls out the recent work he did. The card.

"We aren't quite done with this piece yet, but...look."

She shows him the cover, and he was shock to see what he saw. "Woahh... is that me?" he asked. "Look, we really don't accept his kind of behavior, and I'm thinking that -- well I'm not telling you how to raise your child-- but being an idiotic alcoholic ain't gonna solve-"

"Don't talk about my father like that!" Autumn scowled. "Yeah. Don't talk to me like that, stupid teacher. Whatever. Just give me the fucking report card, and I'm out. I gotta go somewhere."

"What? The club?"

"Wanna say another word? You have no fucking clue what I can do to you, don't you?" he said, chuckling. The teacher silently passes the card to him, and he snatches it. "He really needs a tutor." she sighed. "Okay. I'll hire someone or some shit."

"Where is your wife? I'd like to speak with her sometime, BETTER than you."

"Too bad she can't make it."

"Where is she?"

"Sucking your husbands dick. Now lets fucking leave." he grabs Autumn's hand, and they walk out the room. Ross was still pissed, yet Autumn still laughed at Ross' reply. 

"Sorry you had to see that. I actually am kinda drunk. Sorry." he apologized. "Eh don't apologize. I hate that teacher shit anyway." Autumn says. Ross raised an eye brow, as he hears him curse. "The hell did you just fucking say?"


"No, you didn't say "What." you cursed." he says. Autumn looks down. Ross laughs, slurring a bit. "Hah. Fuck that parenting shit. You gotta live a little. C'mon, lets go." he chuckles, opening a car.

"Is this even your car!?!?" Autumn asked, stunned.

"Nope! Lets fucking drive this shit mobile. Wanna drive?"

"I'm eight!"

"Fuck that."

"No thank you. Lets get out, we're gonna get in trouble."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He yelled at him all of the sudden. "Erm. Sorry. L-Lets get out."




jk hi

HOPE U ENJOYED <3 <3 <3 

spoiler for the ending of this book: Just kidding

love: if you think raura is gonna happen (i think so honestly.)

like: if you think ross is gonna be put in jail for his shitty act

hate: if you think laura is gonna panic about her act with autumn

enemies: if u think ross and laura are gonna hook up again ;)


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