Entry 0.4

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Please read the authors note below after reading chapter. :3


Rikers eyes widened.

His brother was tied to the floor only in his boxers, crying. Damiano hit him hardly as he tried to escape. He sobbed hardly. He took out a light, ad ran it across his skin. He screamed loudly.

"He's in here!" He yelled. The police heard him, and rushed into the room.

"Freeze!!" They yelled. Damiano turned to them and dropped everything, he put his hands up. They went behind him and cuff him. He laughed. "I'll be back! I will be back! I'll get you all!" He laughed creepily, and they took him away. "For how long will he be in prison?" He asked the officer.

"Sentenced to prison until he dies." He said, and they all left. Everyone gasped. Riker runs up to Ross, and unties him. He removes the tape from him mouth as he sobbed hardly. "Sh sh shhhh... its okay its okay." He whispered, hugging him close, pulling him on his lap. He sobbed in his brothers chest loudly. Everyone rushed to him. "D-Dad?" Autumn asked. Ross continued sobbing, as Riker rubbed his back. His shirt was very wet. 

"We're here for you, Ross." Rocky said.

Everybody was watching now.


Laura looked down with guilt. Why didn't she go?

Oh right, she was too scared.

She shook her head in disappointment. How foolish of her.

But she couldn't believe it. Her own father-- why?

What could Ross have possible done to him?


"I'll stay here the night with Ross. Rocky, Ryland, please take Lucy and Autumn home safely." Riker said.

They nod, and walked out the door, and Ross continued to sob in his chest, trembling in fright.

"Sh its okay. He's long gone." Riker soothed, rubbing his back. He continued to cry. Riker removed his shoes and carried Ross upstairs, and laid beside him. Soon enough, Ross' crying lowered a bit, and turned into silent cries. Riker rubbed his brothers back, as they both fell asleep.


"Kelly, I've seen something..." He admitted to his friend. They sat in her room.

"Oh no. You've seen a vagina haven't you-"

"What!? No! " Autumn said. "Okay phew. I was already preparing a long speech." She said. He sighed. "No. I've seen something worst."

"And what was that?"

"I've seen a dick."

"Of course you have you moron! You have one!" She yelled, hitting him with a pillow.

He cracked up. "You should of seen your face! It was priceless!" He laughed. She rolled her eyes at her goofy friend. She was happy he was laughing though. He was depressed.

"But um.. here." He pulled out a photo.

"Oh um- WHOA! Dude that is sick!" She said. It was a photo of his father tied up.

"Yeah. That was the scariest thing to see in my life knowing that, that's what happened during those 5 years I was alive." He said. 

"Yeah. It sounds like you have some weird Fifty shades of grey fetish." She said. "What!? Where do you learn all this stuff!" He yelled.

Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now