The Princesses - #18

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We where sledding in the snow and doing a competition of who can do better. Blizzard is winning, "How are you so good!?" I yelled at him. "Easy I love the cold and so I hang out here I lot, unlike them!" He yelled and pointed at Fire and Mystery. Fire smirked and Mystery had an evil smirk and threw a fire ball at Blizzard's snowboard. "Hey! That's the third time!" He said once he got out of the pile of snow. Me and the girls laughed while the boy's only smiled. "That's what you get!" Fire yelled and made more fire. I then saw a glow of dark fire and and the girls saw it as well, but Fire and Mystery no. We followed it then it disappeared and someone pinned us on a wall. We gasped and tried to scream for help but the person blocked our mouths. "Hey baby~." I familiar voice said and I glared at him. "You better not yell for help or the little guards are going to get it!" The one that pinned Zoey said and we nodded. "Nice to see you Gavin, Larson, Dace, Gabe, Zander, and Jace." I growled. "You to baby~." Gavin said, "Don't you ever call me that!" I said. "Why not~?" He purred in my ear, "We broke up Gavin! I don't want anything from you! So leave me alone!" I said. "Sorry baby~ but I will making you mine!" He said and I glared at him. Gavin then kissed me on the lips and I went wide-eyed and tried to push him away but he held down my hands. The same thing happens to the girls. Larson kissed Zoey, Dace kissed Kawaii~chan, Gabe kissed Nicole, Zander kissed Kiki, and Jace kissed Katelyn. We started to cry and we shut our eyes tight. We then felt something or someone push the boy's off and punch them multiple times. We opened our eyes and saw the boys on the floor while The Guards growled at them. They then grabbed our arm and dragged us to a hotel and rented a room and they pulled us in different rooms. "G-garroth?" I asked, he only pinned me on the wall and growled. "Why did you kiss him!?" He growled at me, "I-I didn't, he kissed me!" I said and I tried escaping his grip. He growled and shoved me back on the wall and I let out a yelp. I looked at his eyes and they where filled with betrayal, hate, and jealously? "G-garroth are you-mph!?" I was cut of by him kissing me on the lips. I went wide-eyed but then kissed him back. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I opened my mouth. We fought for dominance and he won and we pulled away. He's eyes where filled with lust, he then realized what he did and blushed like crazy. "I-i am so sorry Aphmau! I didn't know what-mph?!" I cut him off by kissing him, he was surprised but kissed back, and we pulled away. "I love you." He said then looked away and I put my hand under his chin and made him look at me. "I love you to." I giggled and he started kissing me again. We separated and got ready for bed.

Meanwhile with Zoey and Laurance, Zoey's POV

"Why did you kiss him?!" Laurance yelled at me, he had me pinned on the wall. "I didn't kiss him, he kissed me!" I said. He growled and shoved me back against the wall, "Tell me the truth!" He growled. "I already told you!" I said and he only growled more. He then smashed his lips onto mine and I went wide-eyed, then I kissed him back. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I opened my mouth. We fought for dominance and he won. We pulled away and his eyes where filled with lust, he then realized what he did and he was blushing deep. "I am so-mph?!" I cut him off by kissing him again and he kissed back. He picked me up and carried me to the bed and we got ready for bed. "I love you." He said with a blush, "I love you to." I said and he kissed my forehead before we fell asleep.

Meanwhile with Dante and Kawaii~chan, Kawaii~chan's POV

"Who did you kiss him!?" Dante yelled at me. "Kawaii~chan didn't kiss him, he kissed Kawaii~chan." I said. He only growled and shoved me against the wall and I let out a yelp. "Lies! You kissed him." He yelled at me, "Kawaii~chan will never kiss him!" I yelled at him and started tearing up. He looked at me before he smashed his lips onto mine and I went wide-eyed. I then kissed him back and he licked my bottom lip for entrace and I open my mouth. We fought for dominance and he won. We pulled away and he's eyes where filled with lust. He then realized what he did and blushed like crazy, "I'm so so sorry, Kawaii-mph!?" I cut him off by kissing him and he kissed back. We pulled away, "I love you." He said and, "Kawaii~chan love you to." I said before I hugged him and he carried me to the bad and we got ready for bed.

Meanwhile with Kiki and Zenix, Kiki POV

"Why did you kiss him!?" Zenix yelled at me. "I didn't kiss him he kissed me!" I said but he only shoved me back against the wall. "Tell me the truth!" He yelled and his eyes turned red and I got scare. "Z-zenix your eyes!" I said, "What about them!" He yelled and I started shaking in fear. He noticed and his eyes turned back and he just smashed his lips onto mine. I went wide-eyed at him and he licked my bottom lip for entrace and I open my mouth. We fought for dominance and he won and we seperated and he's eyes where filled with lust. He then realized what he did, "Oh my- I am so-mph!?" I cut him off by kissing him and he kissed back. "Zenix, I didn't kiss him. He kissed me, and besides I love you." I told him. He only went wide-eyed and, "I love you to, Kiki." He said. We both got ready for bed.

Meanwhile with Katelyn and Jeffrey, Katelyn's POV

"Why did you kiss him!?" Jeffrey yelled at me. "I didn't he kissed me!" I yelled at him. "Don't you lie to me Katelyn!" He said and shoved me back on the wall. I growled and tripped him and pinned him on the floor. "Don't you ever shove me on the wall!" I growled at him. We restled on the floor and he then pinned me on the floor. After a few minutes of silence I chuckled a little before he cut me off by kissing me. I went wide-eyed at him and then kissed him back and he licked my bottom lip for entrace and I opened my mouth. He had his tongue in my mouth while I had my tongue in his mouth. We seperated and he's eyes where filled with lust, he then realized what he did and blushed like crazy. He opened his mouth but I kissed him before he said anything and he kissed back. We seperated and, "I love you Katelyn." He said, "I love you to... Jeffrey the Golden Heart." I said with a smirk. He only chuckled, "I guess that's where I get my name. Because I can tame this beauty right here." He said and I blushed. "Shut up." I grumbled at him and blushed a little. We both got ready for bed.

Meanwhile with Nicole and Gene, Nicole's POV

"WHY DID YOU KISS THAT BEAST!?" Gene yelled at me. "I DIDN'T KISS HIM, HE KISSED ME!" I yelled at him. "LIER, YOU FU-Mph!?" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his and he went wide-eyed and kissed me back. He then licked my bottom lip for entrace and I open my mouth. His tounge moved around my mouth while my tongue moved around his mouth. We pulled away, "I love you Gene. I didn't kiss him, he kissed me." I said with a chuckle and he chuckled to. "Sorry, Nicky. My jealousy got the better of me." He said and I blushed. "Don't you ever call me that." I growled and he chuckled. "Let's just go to sleep." He said abd we both got ready for bed.

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