Walk in the Sun

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The sign for the lake I knew like the back of my hand materialised in front of the car. Tyas Lake. Ghost and I used to come here a lot as kids and as younger teenagers. People threw parties here and sometimes the stoner kids came here to get completely baked on a weekend.

Ghost parked the car, hopping out along with Kaspar, who opened my door for me. I rolled my eyes at him before clambering out.

"Chivalry isn't dead, y'know," Kaspar smirked, shutting the car door behind me as I let out a snort of contempt.

"Chivalry died along with this generation unfortunately," I replied. Kaspar's smirk held it's place on his face, his eyes twinkling.

"Come along, kids!" Ghost shouted from the shore of the lake which he had reached whilst me and Kaspar chatted.

"How come we're here then?" I asked Ghost as I reached him.

"Thought it should be the first place we should visit together. This place has history for us, I suppose." Ghost answered, staring at the lake.

"What kind of history?" Kaspar piped up, a hint of wonder in his voice.

* * *

"Hey, Lex," I heard Ghost's lazy call from behind me.

"Hey, a little bit tipsy, are we?" I smirked at a clearly wasted Ghost. He just smiled in response, grabbing my hand to steady himself as he swayed back and forth.

"You're beautiful, Lex, you know that?" Ghost said, seriousness crossing his face.

"And you're very drunk, Ghost." I replied, leading him away from the lake full of partying teenagers.

"Your hair's so pretty. So is your face," Ghost grinned drunkenly, stroking my hair with his free hand. We'd reached the few trees that lay further away from the lake, concealing us from prying eyes.

I shivered as his hand continued to trail down my back before gripping my waist. I turned to look at him. God, even in his plastered state he still looked like a model. The hand that held mine untangled itself and reached behind my neck to knot itself into my hair.

"Ghost, w-what are you doing?" I asked, breathless from our closeness. He didn't reply, his cobalt eyes staring into mine.

Was it just me or was his face getting closer? Oh shit, definitely getting closer. Move, do something, mo-.

Then Ghost's lips touched mine, soft and gentle. The kiss was delicate, caring even. Neither of us moved away, continuing to press our lips together.

Ghost was the first one to pull away, resting his forehead against mine. His eyes still gazing into mine.

"You don't realise how long I've been waiting to do that," Ghost breathed, "fifteen years to be exact."

* * *

"You remember that?!" I exclaimed.

"Of course I do," Ghost said, the look in his eyes showing that he clearly thought back to the same moment as me. Here I was, thinking he'd be too pissed to remember. Pfft.

"Remember what?" Kaspar asked, unaware of the moment that passed between us.

"The first time I kissed her," came Ghost's reply. Kaspar's mouth dropped in shock.

"Shit, is she your lass? Sorry for making passes at her, pal," Kaspar hastily apologised.

"No, I'm not his 'lass'," I said, I wish I was, though.

Kaspar brightened up at that whilst an emotion I recognised as disappointment flashed across Ghost's face. Hmm.

"Is that the only reason we're here?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at Ghost. He shook his head 'no' before gesturing for me and Kaspar to walk with him. Ghost replied.

"I thought we could take a walk, let of some steam. Maybe forget about the world for a while."

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