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My jaw dropped open as the exclamation escaped my throat. Ghost was here, stood in front of me. He was at my house, stood right there.

He was here.

Ghost stared back at me, his mouth slightly parted as he took in my appearance. His cobalt eyes raked up and down my body before finally meeting my own eyes. His mouth curled up in a gentle smile, the dimples I had dearly missed appearing on his cheeks.

"Hey, Lex," Ghost said weakly, giving me a half-arsed wave.

"Hey, Lex?" I questioned, "you show up at my house, at 3am might I add, after 8 months of being away in the army and all you have to say is, hey, Lex?!"

Ghost reached a hand up to scratch the back of his neck, "uh, yeah?" He said sheepishly.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I've been going out of my mind worrying about you these last two months! A simple letter would have been nice enough, y'know. I'd appreciate knowing whether my best friend was still alive or not!" I seethed at Ghost, tears of pure fury falling down my face.

And you know what that moron had the nerve to do? Pull me into him and wrap his damn arms around me, embracing me. Stupid me, of course, completely melted when he did this and hugged him back equally as tight.

"Glad you haven't changed, Lex," Ghost mumbled into my hair, "god, I missed you. I missed this."

"I missed you too, Ghost," I murmured back, breathing in his sweet scent. We stayed wrapped in each other's arms for God knows how long. Eventually, Ghost pulled away and gripped my hand, leading me out into my driveway.

We sat on the cold concrete, my head resting on his shoulder, his arm tucked around my waist. There was no talking, just simply enjoying each other's presence; like the old days. Soon the bright moon was replaced by the awakening sun that chased the darkness away.

The sky was painted a variety of pinks, purples and oranges, yet we still sat there.

"I should go," Ghost broke the silence, shifting slightly so he could turn to look at me. I clasped his arm.

"Please stay," I whispered, my voice showing how much I needed him. He nodded, getting up before helping me up. Hand in hand, we walked into my house and up to my bedroom.

* * *

A weight became apparent across my legs and waist as I stumbled into consciousness. I blinked my eyes open, greeted by the sight of Ghost's flawless face. His dark hair fell slightly into his closed eyes, his eyelashes brushing his sharp, freckle-dusted cheeks. His arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me comfortably against him, his leg slungs over mine.

There was no escaping from his iron tight grip. I, however, had no problem with watching the gorgeous boy next to me sleep, as creepy as that sounds.

Ghost's breaths came slowly and gently, his chest rising and falling in sync. His strong jaw was relaxed, as well as his thick, perfectly arched eyebrows. Long story short, Ghost was actually beautiful.

He was well built, with a wide chest and shoulders, sculpted abs and toned arms and legs. He was pale, but not deathly pale. More like a pleasant pale. The kind of pale that doesn't scream 'vampire' at you, if you catch my drift. The only flaws on his skin were the tiny scar above his left eyelid and the mole of the right side of his neck.

Other than that he was practically perfect.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to him; you'd be mad not to be. He'd always been cute as a child but damn, puberty hit him like a tonne of bricks. His chubby cheeks had become more defined, revealing high cheekbones and he'd traded in his flat-ish stomach for a wicked set of abs.

As if he knew I'd been checking him out, his cobalt eyes fluttered open. Sleep and fatigue clouded his irises causing him to blink a few times.

"Morning, sunshine," I smirked at him, unnecessarily loud. He groaned, closing his eyes again and snuggling closer to me.

"Inside voice, Lex," Ghost complained, "it's too early for that kind of volume."

"Early? It's precisely 14 minutes past 1 in the afternoon." I chirped, leaning over to check the time on my alarm clock. Ghost shot up in the bed, almost throwing me over the other side of the room, as we were still locked together.

"Shit," he cursed, "I need to get home, my mum will be throwing a bitch fit." He rushed around, trying to find his discarded shoes he'd taken off at daft o'clock this morning. He successfully found them, pulling them on and racing down the stairs, me hot on his heels.

"Ghost! What a lovely surprise!" My mum exclaimed as Ghost practically sprinted through our living room.

"I'd love to stay and chat, Ms Farah, but I have to get home," Ghost hastily apologised, guilt in his tone.

"Don't worry about it, pet. Tell your mum I said hi," my mum replied.

"Sure thing, Ms F," Ghost grinned, waving goodbye and speed walking to the door. I followed him to the door, embracing him quickly before letting him go.

He's back, my Ghost, he's back.

Ghost of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now