And the Snakes Start to Sing

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After being kicked out of maths, I made my way to the front entrance of school and used a card I'd swiped from a teacher to unlock the doors. The walk from school was pretty uneventful and I eventually arrived home.

My keys jingled as I unlocked the door and practically threw myself inside, kicking my shoes off and skulking off to my room.

It was 1pm, meaning my mum would be home in an hour and I'd have some explaining to do.

* * *

"Why are you home?" My mum glared accusingly at me, her narrowed eyes searching my face.

"Felt sick, got sent home," I said, the lie rolling fluently off of my tongue, my voice flat. My mum just sent me a speculating glance before stalking off into the living room.

I avoided her for the rest of the night, only going to make my tea when she was in the shower and out of my way. After quicky eating at the dining table, I raced back up to my room.

I hopped in the shower as soon as it was vacant and before I knew it I was getting ready to bed down for the night. I started my Panic! At The Disco playlist, knowing it would lull me into the nightmare-filled sleep I knew was awaiting me.

Gunshot sounds filled the barren area around me, lighting up the dusky sky. I heard voices to my right shouting orders or crying out in agony.

A person moved into my line of vision. Their dark hair whipped around in gale, blowing their fringe into their eyes. The person gripped a sniper, poised and ready to shoot.

They lifted it up, pointing it far into the distance in front of them. However, just as their finger was about to pull the trigger, another gunshot sounded.


The person screamed in agony, dropping the gun, their hands clutching their stomach. Finally, the person's face was revealed to me.


I gasped in horror, trying to run towards him. I was paralyzed, unable to move from where I watched Ghost writhe on the dusty ground. Tears escaped from my eyes, flowing in an eternal stream down my face. My vision blurred before I heard more gunshots.

I blinked my vision back into focus and desperately fixed my eyes on Ghost. He was still. Lifeless.

I bolted upright, my breath coming in pants. My cheeks felt wet from tears I had cried. My chest was tight making it hard for my lungs to take in oxygen.

My rising anxiety was interrupted by three strong knocks coming from the front door.

Who the hell would knock on my door at 3 in the damn morning?

I rose out of my bed, grabbing the pen knife I kept on my bedside table before slowly walking out of my room and tiptoeing down the stairs. Reaching the door, I glanced through the peephole. The person at the door was hooded, their face turned towards the floor.

I held the pen knife out in front of me, preparing to unlock the door and slash the shit out of whoever was at my door; should they run at me. The door swung open and the person looked up at me, locking our gazes together.


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