Adventure of a Lifetime

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I entered school the next day with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. To say that I'd shocked the entire student body was the understatement of the year.

People turned to stare at me as they saw me stroll past, head up, eyes bright. Many did double takes as they saw this alien, undepressed side to me. However, it wasn't enough to make anyone actually approach me.

Whispers echoed around the corridors, Ghost's name often being said after a glance at me. Everyone knew why I was always so down, they knew of mine and Ghost's friendship. Ghost himself was almost like a celebrity in this drab town. Known for his good looks and ability to charm the underwear off of the female population, Ghost was well loved. The whole 'going off to war' thing was just the icing on the cake.

* * *

The bell for lunch sounded and I'd spent the entire day on cloud nine. Not once had I been sent to the headmaster's office or answered a teacher back with some snarky reply. Even teachers deserve a break from my shitty attitude sometimes, poor bastards.

I made my way to a classroom I knew would be empty for the entire lunch period and settled down to eat. Trying to eat whilst everyone gossiped about me didn't really appeal to me today so hence why I'm alone.

"Hey, Lex," well why I was alone. I turned my head to the speaker, not shocked when I saw Ghost had entered the classroom.

"Hey, Ghost," I said, my mouth half full, "who's your friend?" I asked, gesturing to the guy who had followed him in.

"Oh, this is Kaspar, he's joining the school." Ghost introduced, Kaspar gave me a little wave and a wink as a greeting.

"Kaspar? Kaspar and Ghost?" I laughed out, almost choking on my food, "oh my God, Ghost, this is brilliant."

"I fucking knew you'd find this hilarious," Ghost mumbled under his breath. Kaspar stood there, looking slightly amused at my guffawing state.

"How could I not find this funny? It's like you did it on purpose," I chuckled, "did it not occur to you that if you brought a friend called 'Kaspar' to meet me then this would happen."

"Apparently not." Kaspar spoke for the first time since he'd been here. His voice was deep and slightly husky. How attractive, in fact, he's attractive entirely. Kaspar was quite the opposite to Ghost. His hair was styled in a quiff and it was really blonde, almost white. He had hazel eyes and a button nose, matched with pale lips. He was cute, in a 'you're so cute I just want to pinch your cheeks' kind of way.

"Moving on, how come you're eating on your own?" Ghost asked.

"How did you get in here?" I shot back, raising an eyebrow.

"I asked first, Lex," Ghost said, sticking his tongue out at me like the immature man-child he is.

"Because everyone's talking about me- about us, even." I muttered, taking a sorry bite of my sandwich.

"Do you not have friends to sit with?" Ghost questioned. I didn't miss a beat as I replied, "I have you."

Ghost was silent before he walked over to me and pulled me up. He took my hand and lead me out of the door, Kaspar following behind, kind of like a third wheel. Sorry, Kasp.

We eventually came to the main office where Ghost and Kaspar charmed the receptionist into thinking I had an appointment and it was urgent I went with then. The receptionist of course agreed and we were on our merry way.

Kaspar called shotgun in Ghost's car, leaving me stuck in the back. Ghost reversed out of his parking spot and started driving, to where I have no idea.

Kaspar turned around in his seat to face me, "so Alexis, are you by any chance single?" Kaspar asked, smirking at me. I didn't miss Ghost's eyes flash to mine in the rearview mirror and his hands tighten on the steering wheel.

"Yes I am and don't call me that," I replied, gritting my teeth.

"Alexis? Why?" Kaspar asked, curiousity in his tone.

"Bloody hell, you're as curious as George," I sighed, "just don't call me that, OK?"

"Alright, calm it." Kaspar said, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Where are we even going?" I spoke to Ghost.

"You'll see, Lex, you'll see." Ghost answered, smirking at me through that damn mirror, mischief in his eyes.

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