Chapter 24: Hogsmead And Amormentia

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**March 12**

Today is a Hogsmead day. Fred, George, and I have been to Honeydukes and Zonkos. I have enough chocolate and dungbombs to last until the next trip into town.

We are currently in the Three Broomsticks, enjoying a warm butterbeer, when Harry, Ron, Mirabelle, and Hermione join us.

"Hey sis." Harry says with a shy smile.

"Hey bro." I smile back.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Not much." I sigh. "I remember loving Aunt Lily, Uncle James, Aunt Amaryllis, and Uncle Sirius very much. I remember the pain I felt when dad told me what happened that night and how I'd never see them again. And that I wouldn't see you two for a long time. Dad told me stories all the time of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Only since Uncle Sirius came back did I realize they weren't only stories for dad. I loved mum very much. And she loved us both, equally." I said as Fred wiped a tear from my cheek.

I smiled graciously at him as we changed to another topic, the tournament.

"Thankfully," George started.

"It's nearly over." I said.

"Just one task left." Fred finished.

"You've been spending too much time with them." Ron said in disgusted amazement.

"What can ya do?" I said as they each kissed my cheeks and I took a swig of butterbeer.

Cedric and his friends entered the pub a short while later.

"Ready to go love?" He asked. I nodded. Then gave Harry and the twins a kiss on the cheek; Ron, Mirabelle, and Hermione hugs; and walked over to a private table with Cedric.

We each ordered a fresh butterbeer and a slice strawberry shortcake.

"So how are you, Mirabelle, and Harry getting along?"

"We're good. I just wish I had known sooner. Or all along." I frowned.

"Hey. Nothing can be done about that now." He said as he lifted my chin. "You just have to make up lost time." And he pulled me towards him, kissing me softly.

"You're right." I concluded with a grin.


Fred and George's birthday came and went, as did mine.

I got the twins pranking stuff and I made a cake with the house elves for them.

They got me the standard, chocolate and pranks. As well as a new charm for our friendship bracelets. Cedric on the other hand was original, a promise ring.

"I promise to love you always, and forever. In this life and the next. No matter what separates us. I will always love you more than life itself. You are my life, Lils." He had told me as he placed the ring onto my finger.

I sat at the table for breakfast, twirling the ring on my finger, working out more ideas for Weasley's Wizard Weezes with the twins.

"A two way note, three way in our case," I said with a smirk. I pulled out three small scrolls of parchment.

"Put the protean charm on them," I continued, with a flick of my wrist.

"And whatever one of us writes on one piece," I said as I pulled out my quill and wrote my name.

"Will appear on the other two," I finished with a smirk as my name appeared on their scrolls.

"Brilliant Li!" They exclaimed as they both grabbed me and hugged me. I gave them each their scrolls.

"We'll need to experiment with it. See approximately how long it'll last before we can sell it." George reminded.

"Of course. For the time being, potions." I said as I stood and pulled them off the bench.


Snape stood at the top of the class as we entered. There were three cauldrons on his desk each with a potion lying inside.

The only table left was at the very front, right in front of Snape's desk.

"Today, I will be showing you some very dangerous potions. Dastardly should you get wrong." Snape said in his slow drawl.

"Can anyone name them? Miss Lupin?"

I stood and walked around the desk.

"Draught of living death." It was lilac in color.

"And it does what?"

"Causes the drinker to fall into a deep, death-like slumber." Snape pointed to the next cauldron which was completely clear. Based upon the curriculum for this year it has to be, "Felix Felicis. Gives the drinker luck for 24 hours. All of their endeavors will succeed."

"And the final potion?"

I looked into the cauldron, smelling everything I love.

"Amormentia," I sighed. "The strongest love potion of all. Said to smell differently to each person, based upon what attracts them." I took another whiff, "for example, I smell; old books, fresh parchment, cinnamon, mint, and gunpowder." I finished in a huff.

"Five points to Gryffindor. Sit." And I scurried back to my seat.

Fred and George each raised their eyebrows at me. I just shrugged.

Cedric is the old books and fresh parchment.

Fred is the cinnamon and gunpowder.

George is the mint and gunpowder.

I love all three of these boys. With all of my heart and more.


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