Chapter 6: Classes Begin

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The next morning, I awoke early from all the excitement bubbling up inside of me. I wanted to shower before the other girls woke up anyway. I didn't get to talk to any of them at all last night.

I let my hair fall down my back in its natural cascading curls. I applied a slight line of eye liner around my eyes. Eyeliner, next to the clothes, best muggle inventions. I pulled on my Hogwarts robes and walked back into the bedroom, satisfied with how I looked.

I put an undetectable extension charm on my bag and threw all of my books into it. Perfect, I thought with a smile as I walked into the common room.

"Oi! Li!" I looked to the couches to see the twins waving me over.

Just as I was about to sit with them they stood up and dragged me to the great hall with them. As I was drinking my milk, Professor McGonagall handed us our schedules.

We compared our three schedules.

"For today I have double Potions, Ancient Runes, and double Defense Against the Dark Arts. Double Charms and double Transfiguration on Tuesdays. Double Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy on Wednesdays. Thursday is only History of Magic. And Friday is free. Beautiful." I said with a smile as I put my timetable in my bag. I only had one class without the twins, that was Ancient Runes.

We finished our breakfasts and went to Potions, with the Slytherins. Way to start the day out.

The boys and I picked a table at the back, middle row. I set up my entire station as soon as we sat down.

"Oh Merlin! Please don't tell me you're a nerd!" George over dramatically sighed.

"So what if I am?"

"Nothing will change." Fred huffed.

"Exactly." I smirked as Professor Snape walked in.

"I think it appropriate to remind you that next June you will be sitting an important examination, during which you will prove how much you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions." Snape glared at each individual in the class. His eyes resting slightly upon me. Curiuos.

"I only take the very best into my NEWT potions class. Therefore some of you will certainly be saying goodbye. However, we have another year until we reach that happy moment of farewell. Today you will be making ylthe Draught of Peace, this is a potion known to come up on the OWLs often.

"The method is on the board," with a flick of his wrist it appeared. "Ingredients, you will find in the store cupboard," with another flick, the cupboard door was opened. "You may begin. There will be no need to talk." And with that we set to work.

I pulled my hair up into a loose bun, don't want it catching fire. I then went to Snape's stores and got all necessary ingredients. I set them down in meticulous order that would follow along with the instructions. I worked all the way up to the end of class, but I made a near perfect draught of peace. I was proud of myself, however I knew the feeling would not be mutual for Snape.

I vialed it up and handed it into the Professor. He sneered at it, but accepted it none the less. Fred and George finished shortly before me, so when I walked out of the class and found them leaning against the wall, waiting for me I was slightly shocked.

The boys walked me to Ancient Runes, and walked off to Divination.

"Lils, over here."

"Ced! You didn't tell me you had Ancient Runes. What else do we have together?"

We looked at our time tables and confirmed we had History of Magic and Charms together. After class he walked me to DADA.

"Hey Dad!" I yelled as I tackled him in a hug. "Oh My Merlin! Hogwarts is absolutely amazing! I love it here!"

"I'm glad sweetheart. However, class is about to start. We can talk later, okay?"

"Alright daddy." With that I kissed him on the cheek. And took my seat with Fred and George.

Our lesson of the day was on Boggarts. Mine flashed between each person I loved dead. From Dad to Cedric, then on to Mr. and Mrs. Diggory, finally onto Fred and George. Even though I've only known the twins for two days. Fred and George's were the same, each other dead, next to myself.

So glad classes are done. It has been an extremely tiring day.

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