Chapter 13: Valentines Day

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**3rd POV**

Cedric told Lily to meet him in the entrance hall at nine am. They wouldn't be able to get many opportunities like this after today. They each need to study for their OWLs exams at the end of term.

She was late. Being an Elemental she could "apparate" but it wasn't actually considered apparation. In a split second, upon a flurry of flames she went from her dorm room to the top of the stairs.

Cedric heard her heels clicking on each step, so he turned and raked his eyes across her body. His mouth fell agape at her beauty.

Lily Andromeda Lupin stood in front of him in a short, flared, red dress with a lace top and half sleeves; black suede pumps with a red lacquered sole; sheer lace, thigh high stockings with a red bow; and a gold layered charm necklace. Her makeup was composed of pale pink and nude eyeshadow, and pink shimmery lip gloss.

Cedric grabbed Lily around the waist, picked her up, and spun her around.

"You look amazing, Lils! Absolutely beautiful!" He grinned and kissed her.

"Those shoes though," he said as he looked at her pumps in concern, "are just not going to work for what I have planned today." And with a flick of his wand, Lily's high heeled pumps turned into ballet flats.

"They should change back by the end of the day. Shall we, m'lady?" Cedric bowed and held his arm out to her.

"We shall." She giggled.

They walked past the Quidditch pitch. Lily followed Cedric to a path illuminated by fairy lights. This path led to a clearing a few minutes into the forbidden forest.

Once they broke through the treeline, more fairy lights lit up the whole clearing. A rock formation spouting clear, fresh water into a small pool filled with hippocampi. Horklumps rested along the waters edge.

There was a blanket and a picnic basket sitting in the grass. Inside the basket, there were sandwiches and butterbeer.

"Oh Ced. This is perfect." Lily sighed as a joyous tear rolled down her cheek.

Cedric kissed her tear track, "no more crying. Only smiles." He grabbed her hand and led her to the blanket.

They ate their sandwiches and made idle chit-chat. Lily placed her palms in her lap and watched the hippocampi in the water. They have the head and front legs of a horse, and the tail and backend of a fish!

"Happy valentines day, Lily." Cedric said with a smile as he passed her a small box.

"Happy valentines day, Ced." Lily responded with a smile as she took the box and handed him a larger box.

She opened the small box, to reveal the locket she had recieved for Christmas from him. It had been missing for the past two days. She looked at him, confused.

"How did you..."

"I accioed it. Inside is a piece of my heart. That way I'll always be with you, no matter what." He told her as more tears streamed along her cheeks. "Oh Lils! What did I say about crying?" He asked as he kissed the tear streaks once again.

"Ced! I just can't help it! This is so beautiful and thoughtful! Thank you!" She pressed a fierce kiss to his lips, trying to show him how much she loved him and how grateful she was. "You're turn. Not that I could ever top this!" She smiled as he put the necklace back around her neck, right where it belonged.

He pulled away and shook the box, trying to guess.

"Oh just open it!"

He pulled the yellow and red stripped ribbon off, then tipped the lid off to show a Nimbus 2001.

"It's not a firebolt-"

"It's perfect! Thank you!"

They kissed so long this time around, it was starting to get dark before they knew it.

"One last thing." He trailed off, digging in his pockets.

"What else could there possiby be?" She exclaimed. "But chocolate frogs." She laughed as he pulled a bag of full of chocolate frogs out of his pocket. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now shall we ride?"

"Naturally." She slipped the frogs into her purse and climbed on the broom. She wrapped her arms around his chest, holding tight. And they were off.

Once back in the castle, Cedric walked Lily to Gryffindor tower. Along the walk her shoes did change back into pumps.

"Good night my love."

"Sweet dreams, Ced." And they parted with a passionate good night kiss.

Hogwarts At Last - Familia Primum: Book TwoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang