Chapter 12: Meow

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I forced Fred and George to accompany me to the library to study. They lasted fifty-eight minutes longer than I expected them to. However, they left me here studying alone, two hours ago now.

I finished my potions essay, my transfiguration take home exam, my list of magical herbs and remedies, and my essay on common defensive theories and their derivation. All I have left is to practice my silencing charm.

And that I cannot do in the library. Madam Pince would have my head. So I pack up all my things and head to the common room, I can practice on Fred and George.

As I was walking out of the library I bumped into somebody. My bag split and spilled everything over the floor.

"Oh Merlin! I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention at all." I said as I bent down to pick up my scattered things.

"No problem m'lady." A silky, perfect voice replied. I looked up into a beautiful pair of gray eyes. I took back the three scrolls of parchment he was holding out to me.

"Cedric." I smirked a took my scrolls from him. With a flick of my wand my bag was fixed and packed. We both stood, he took my hand in his, and placed a kiss to my cheek.

"Well I was going to study, but I can walk you back to your dorm first."

Once we reached the tower, we kissed good night.

"I love you." He said with a peck upon my lips.

"I love you too. Good luck with your studies." I told him as I pecked his lips. I watched him walk away for a moment before entering the common room.

I saw Fred and George huddled in the corner, whispering to each other. Curious, I walked over to them.

"Watcha discussing?" I whispered in their ears.

"Ah! Uh! Nothing. Nothing at all!" Fred yelped.

"Ok. If you say so." I muttered.

"So how did studying go?" George asked, changing the subject.

"It was fine. Now can we plan a prank on Flich please? It's been awhile."

"Yea. Sure. Let's do it." Fred said as he moved over to make room for me at their table.

"Well we could trick him into eating something. Hmm. But what would it do to him?" George started.

"It could grow boils on his body?" Fred pondered

"Or slip him a nosebleed nougat?" I input.

"Both are good." George trailed off.

"Cat noises! It'll make him meow!" I exclaimed.

"Brilliant." We all three grinned and started putting together a potion to make one meow.

I ran up to my room, grabbed my potions kit and ran into the fifth year boys dorm.

"Hand me the catnip leaves and that," I threw in the cut up catnip leaves, "should be perfect. Who wants to try it?" I asked with a smirk.

"It was your idea love. Therefore, I do believe those honors lie with you." Fred replied.

"Oh fine!" I said as I raised the ladle to my lips.

"Well?" The twins asked, looking at me expectantly.

I opened my mouth to reply that I didn't feel any different, however the only thing to escape my lips was a long, "meeeooooww." I covered my lips with my hands in surprise. Then I grinned and gave them the thumbs up. I grabbed a spare piece of parchment and showed Fred the written scrawl;

Silence me! I've SO got to see this!

The boys silenced me as I put the potion into a chocolate frog for Flich. I waved them to hurry up.

We went to Flich's corridor and threw a dungbomb the opposite direction of us. We levitated the frog into the air, just outside of his office. When Flich found no one to punish, he stalked back to his office.

Upon seeing the chocolate wand in the air, he looked both ways down the corridor. Once again seeing no one, he grabbed ahold of the frog and finished it in two very large bites. He smiled to himself, looked at his watch, opened his mouth to speak, but only made a very raspy and long meow.

Just like my reaction he covered his mouth. However, Peeves already heard.

"Ahahahahaha! Flichy is spending to much time with nobody to talk to but the ickle kitty! He's even meowing now!" Peeves cackled.

I was silently giggling. The twins were biting their tongues.

As soon as Flich ran off down the hallway the twins burst out laughing.

"How thick could you get?" George questioned as Fred took the silencing charm off of me, but I still only meowed. I shrugged my shoulders and we walked back to the common room.

We heard Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore asking Flich why he was so mad, he only meowed at them.

"Well, I suppose you will just have to wait until it wears off." McGonagall shrugged and the professors walked off. A whole crowd of students walking by openly laughed at Flich's latest misfortune. This will be the talk of the whole school for a week.

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