Chapter 6

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Alphonse sighed and shook his head. "Taijutsu. Your opponent is the Uchiha."

"Oh. Ohh. Okay." Naruto stretched, popping his back and made his way lazily to the clearing in front of his classmates. "Ah, just tell me when to start." Naruto ended his sentence with a yawn making Sasuke grit his teeth. The Uzumaki placed his hands in his pockets and gazed into obsidian eyes.

"Taijutsu only." Iruka spoke loudly. "No ninjutsu, kinjutsu, or any other type. Begin."

The children merely stood in place, staring at eachother. Shining blue-gold sliced through stone cold black. "Well?" Naruto finally spoke.

At that, Sasuke charged, aiming for Naruto's head.

Naruto simply tilted his head and continued to do so at the fast paced attacks. Don't get him wrong, to everyone else the Uchiha was a blur, but to Naruto? Sasuke was just too...slow.

"Stop dodging!" Sasuke finally grunted. "Fight me for real!"

Naruto glanced at Alphonse who held up two fingers. He nodded at the armor who placed the hand down.

Two minutes. That's all he needed. "Alright, Uchiha." Naruto kept a blank face but his voice made it sound like he was smirking. "I'll fight you."

Finally, the Uzumaki lifted his hands from his pockets, leaning forward and doing a handstand near the Uchiha, swinging his legs up and kicking at Sasuke's face.

Sasuke barely had time to block the unexpected attack and lifted his arms to defend. Even that was futile as he was sent skidding back. What was that?

Naruto kept going. Using his momentum, he flipped up and over, landing on his feet and aiming a punch at Sasuke's unprotected stomach.

Sasuke leaned forward, the breath leaving him but he kept his ground. "Tough one," He heard Naruto click his tounge and he felt a strange sense of satisfaction. He felt that he needed his approval.

"Woow," Kiba breathed in awe at the display of flexibility. He wasn't even sure the human body could twist that way. "This kid is amazing!"

Naruto tilted his head slightly. He felt like smirking and frowning at the same time. While he was glad that they thought he was good, he was sure that he was older than everyone in the room.

Pay attention!

At Edward's sharp voice, Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts in time to dodge a kick from Sasuke.

Thanks, Nii-san.

Keep your head in the fight. If this was real you'd be dead.

Sorry, Kyuu-nii..

Ten seconds.

Naruto spun around Sasuke and punched his lower back making him stiffen before falling to the ground just as the timer went off.

Iruka was stunned. Was the Uzumaki just playing with the boy? "Winner: Naruto Uzumaki!"

Naruto walked forward and crouched in front of Sasuke. When the black haired boy scowled at him, he poked his forehead. "Don't let anger cloud your judgment. Make sure to listen to both sides of the story. You have friends here, Sasuke Uchiha."

Sasuke sat stunned even as Naruto poked his back releasing him from his paralyzed state. What did he mean? Did he know something that he didn't? The Uchiha got up, ignoring the stares, and brushed off his clothes. He looked around and noticed the golden haired boy talking with the armored figure.

When the class went back inside, Sasuke sat in his usual seat but kept a close eye on the other.


"Dude, tomorrow's the genin exam!" Kiba exclaimed while walking with Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji.

"Ugh, I know." Naruto shook his head. "You about mentioned that ten times. I don't even know if I'll pass."

"Why not?" The Nara, Shikamaru, wondered with his typical lazy drawl.

"I can't do the stupid clone jutsu. It's really pissing me off." Naruto sighed and pulled out a book on the history of Konoha.

"Ah, come on, Naruto!" Choji smiled as he ate chips. "Don't start reading! Let's do something fun!"

It seemed like the blonde didn't hear him. He seemed so into his book, blue-gold eyes flashing across the page. The Uzumaki kept his left gloved hand on his chin while the other held the object.

"Oi, Naruto!" Kiba waved a hand in front of his friend's face. "Naruto!"

"Huh?" The Alchemist in training looked up at the others who looked a mix between exasperated and amused. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said," Choji explained. "That we should do something fun!"

Naruto blinked. "Like what?"

"Well, we" Kiba looked at Shikamaru for help only to receive a shrug and a yawn.

The blonde sighed, snapping his book closed and slipping it into his back pocket. "How about we go to my place? I can make cookies or whatever."

"Sounds like a plan." Shikamaru said lazily. "I mean, of course, if they won't kill me."

Naruto scowled at him playfully. "Tch. No respect, I swear."

"Hey, where's the armored guy?" Kiba asked suddenly, looking around.

"You mean Alphonse? I sent him ahead of us. He's not far, probably only a block or two away."

Can't keep him far.

Pipsqueak's right. Alphonse is used for battle.


Well, you of course. Although, I didn't say all that.


Naruto shook his head. "Come on. We need to pick up the supplies if I'm going to be making cookies. I just need the dough."

"How come you're not making it from scratch?" Choji asked curiously. The Uzumaki made it seem like he knew how to make them that way.

Naruto's expression darkened somewhat, "That is none of your concern."

The three genin sweat dropped. "Ookayy.."

Naruto visibly brightened. "Okay! Let's go!"

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