Chapter Five - Choice

Start from the beginning

I kept my eyes and body faced away from him, ready to run.

"But he does control it, because he loves me back" I mumbled

"Do you want kids? A future? To become old and sit in a rocking chair, surrounded my small grandchildren and aging family? I can give that to you" He tried again, almost begging "He cannot"

"You aren't normal either Callum" I shot

"No, I'm not. But I have a heartbeat, warmth, blood, feelings, a future" He continued quickly

"That doesn't matter to me" I stumbled.
Of course it mattered, but I couldn't let him know that.

"It does. I know it does" He caught me out

"I can't handle this right now" I stumbled storming out of the yard, back into the kitchen, through the restaurant, past Malory and straight to my car.

I felt my eyes sting, burning as I drove home.
I cried because I thought my life had finally turned a page, turned civil, and then an Angel came barging in, asking for me to choose him over my Vampire boyfriend.
I was confused and I didn't know how to deal with all this new information.
I couldn't tell Duke what had happened, as far as he knew, I had no idea about Callum and what he was.

I tried to push the tears in my eyes back, ignoring everything that had just hapened, but it was difficult.
Luckily, I had had an hour to contain myself, cry my eyes out before I got home to Duke.
All I had ever wanted was a normal happy life, sure, Callum could give that to me, but my heart was with Duke.

By the time I made it down the street towards home, my eyes were dry and drained.
I could hear my phone in my bag ringing, but refused to answer it in fear of it being Callum.

I pulled the car up out the front of the house and flipped down the mirror above my head.
I looked over my appearance, pressing down on the redness of my eyes.
I took a deep inhale and exhale before stepping out of the car, my mobile phone ringing again inside my bag.
I headed towards the house where Duke swung the front door open, standing still in the doorway waiting for me.

"Afternoon gorgeous" He smiled a dazzling set of teeth when I reached him

"Morning" I joked, coming out shaky

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows slowly creasing as he stepped down towards me, tilting my head up for him to examine my face.

"Yeah, just had a rough day at work" I shrugged, brushing it off casually

"You've been crying" He noted as he looked at my swollen red eyes

"Yeah, Thursdays are busy, crowded, full of hormonal teenagers" I lied again, even though it was half true

He seemed to shutter at the thought, weakly smiling at me as he pulled me inside and into his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and held on tight, fearing my eyes were going to let loose  once again.
I squeezed them shut and held on for dear life, guilt riddling into me for lying to him.

"You want a hot cup of tea?" He asked pulling away his face from the top of my head to look at me.
I unwillingly let go, smiling up at him before nodding. He was trying his best to make me feel better and I admired that.

He led me towards the kitchen where I sat on a dining room chair, dumping my bag at my legs.
While waiting, I stared at the man in the kitchen.
He was so beautiful, in every way possible. I would never let go of Duke. I couldn't.

My staring was cut off when my phone beeped in notification of a text message. I froze as Duke turned to face me, leaning his strong arms against the granite bench top.

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