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"Remind me again why I'm doing this?" I ask, staring at my reflection in the mirror.
"Because you need a break," Marie says soothingly. Christina giggles, and I let my eyes flash.

"Sorry Alpha," Christina hangs her head, before shuffling away from the full length mirror in my room. I tug at the hem of my striped beige and white skirt, which reaches mid-thigh.

"I'm wearing tights," I glare at my reflection, before grabbing them off my bed.
"Good thing the shirt is mostly loose," Marie grins at Christina, who brightens up.

"Makeup time!" Christina claps her hands, and sits me down at my dressing table.
"Remember: light makeup only," I warn Christina who nods vigorously.

"Close your eyes and no peeking," she orders me. I sigh, but close my eyes and wait impatiently for Christina to finish. Marie hands me some boots, before standing back and watching us.

"All done!" Christina grins, and I open my eyes before looking at my reflection. I purse my lips, turning around and staring at myself.

"Pretty good you two. We can leave now," I roll my eyes as they drag me out of the house and into the BMW convertible waiting outside. As Alec spots us, he whistles in surprise.

"Didn't know that there was a hottie beneath all the big bad Alpha," he grins, checking me out.
"Remember training," I grunt, getting in the car. He pales, before facing the road and waiting for the other girls to get in.

"I'm the designated driver," I say as we pull up outside the club.
"Damnit," Alec curses, making us laugh. "You need to loosen up, so I'll be the designated driver," he offers, but I smirk at him.

"Hand me the keys," I order, and his face goes sulky as he throws them to me.
"Sometimes I hate being your Beta," he sighs as we walk into the throbbing club.

"This is claustrophobic!" I shout over the music.
"Tell me about it!" Marie grins, before disappearing into the crowd and returning with a beer. "Drink this," she offers, but I shake my head and turn away, scanning the crowd.

Suddenly, my eyes land on a handsome man radiating power. His dark brown, almost black hair is placed thickly and messily on his head, while a dark shadow of stubble graces his strong jaw line.

His full plump lips are placed on the rim of a beer bottle, and he's leaning on the bar, ignoring the admiring looks of the women around him. Suddenly, his eyes connect with mine, and they darken.

Mate! My wolf self realises, and I swear under my breath before fading into the crowd. Alec follows me, guiding me to a dark corner.
"What's wrong? You look like you saw a ghost," he asks worriedly, sitting in the seat across from me.

"I saw my mate," I whisper, putting my head in my hands.
"Oh," he leans back, before rubbing my arm. I growl quietly, and he removes his hand. "Well, what's wrong with him? Wait, you're not secretly lesbian are you?" He asks horrified, and I snicker.

"He's an Alpha," I run a hand over my face.
"You're pups are gonna be strong," he whistles, and I lightly punch him on the arm as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Excuse me," a deep voice interrupts us, sending shivers down my spine. I grit my teeth, before looking at Alec worriedly.
"Hello. Did you want something?" Alec asks casually, looking at me carefully.

I lift my head up warily, before sliding over to the corner of the booth, hiding my face in the shadows.
"Do you want to dance?" My mate turns to me, and I eye him warily, before pasting on a fake smile and standing up.

"Sure," I bat my eyelashes at him, before striding over to the packed dance floor. I listen to the music, before swaying my hips and starting to dance.
"Hunter," he whispers seductively in my ear, making me shiver.

"Shariah," I whisper back, pressing my hand on his chest to keep him from roaming his large hands all over my body. "Strange name for an Alpha," I tell him, and he stiffens.

He doesn't answer, but keeps dancing. When the song ends, he leads me back over to Alec.
"I want to speak to your Alpha," he growls, making sure no one can hear him other than us.

"Turn around and look at her," Alec says calmly, standing up. Hunter turns, raises his eyebrows, before looking back at Alec.
"There hasn't been a female Alpha in a Millenia," he barks, smirking as he turns his back on me.

I snarl, and Alec grabs my arms, holding me back.
"You're lucky you're an Alpha or you'd be dead right now," I growl, letting my canines grow.

"You're my mate. You need to respect me," Hunter says arrogantly. Alec starts snickering, but stops when we both glare at him.

"Show me something to respect and I will. But not until then," I snarl, before turning around and walking out of the club. "Get your asses to the car now!" I shout at the girls, and a few minutes later, Marie and Christina come stumbling out of the club.

"Get in the car," I tell them, my temper still burning. The girls giggle as they fall into the backseat, occasionally falling into fits of laughter. Alec eyes me nervously as I turn the engine on and roar out of the carpark.

I look in the rear view mirror, spotting Hunter staring after us. I let out a low growl, before flooring it and roaring back to the Pack House. I carry the girls back to their rooms, turning the lights off and locking them in.

I walk into my study, sagging against the door. I run a hand through my hair, sighing loudly. I quickly get changed into a grey tank top and black shorts, before washing my makeup off and tying my hair into a messy bun.

I slip on some sandals before jumping out of my bedroom window. As I hit the ground, I look up at the huge Pack House. I smile as I notice all of the lights are turned off.

Taking a deep breath, I mask my scent before shifting quickly into a large midnight blue wolf with white paws. I sniff the air, before bounding into the forest.

I keep alert, making sure that no one is following me before plunging into a line of bushes. I put my nose to the ground, smelling for the trail that I've padded many times before.

A few minutes later I find it, following it over small rises in the ground and shallows dips near rivers. As a large, wild hedge comes into view I pad around it to find a small opening hidden among the leaves.

As I enter the small, moonlit clearing, Jasper and Lunar jump onto me. I lick their faces, nudging them off me gently. I follow them to their den, padding inside and greeting the rest of the pups happily.

I count them all, satisfied that all seven of them are here. I round them up, nudging them to lay in their little nest of fur, leaves, and grass that I made for them.

As they finally lie down, I lie down with them, letting them snuggle up to me. I peer up at the moon one last time before letting sleep take hold of me.


Alpha! Where are you? Are you alright? Alec's voice bombards me as I wake up. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts.

I'm fine. I'll be back tomorrow. You're in charge while I'm gone. If anything bad happens, I'm blaming it on you. I tell him solemnly, before getting up and waking the pups. We're going hunting. I tell them as they look at me sleepily.

Jasper and Lunar wag their tails, standing up. Misty, Dræfend, Beorhtu and River pad over to my side, nudging me softly. Star and Leo glance at me sleepily, curled up next to each other. Get up you two and come on. I nudge them gently, and they finally stand up.

This is my first published story, so I really hope you all like it! Please inform me of there's any grammatical errors or things like that.


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