Chapter 28: Truth Revealed

Start from the beginning

"God your such a drama queen" he stated.

The pain started to subside a bit and I tried to keep myself from falling over. Sid's hand was still gripped onto it tightly and I felt like it was cutting off my blood circulation

Tears flowed out my eyes, but nothing was effecting him, he had become so cold hearted "Your hurting me, let me go"

I fought for him to realise my hand from him. "CROSBY YOUR HURTING ME" He hesitated at first but then let go of my hand. I ran away from him and locked myself in the guest room, and collapsed onto the bed. The pain in my stomach wasn't as bad as it was before, but o could still feel myself going weak cause of it. Sid's worde kept repeatimg through my head, and I couldn't handle it. It was just too much. All of a sudden I didn't want this baby, I didn't want to be called Mrs Crosby anymore, and I defiantly didn't want to see Sid.

I grabbed my phone off the table and called Neal. I couldn't stay here anymore and I didnt want this baby.

Phone Convo:

Me: "Hello, Neal please you have to help me"

Neal: "What's wrong?"

Me: "I want an abortion, I want to leave from here"

Neal: "Jess, you can't take the life of an innocent baby"

Me: "I don't want anything that links me to him anymore"

Neal: "Jess your just taking your fustration out, just calm down go to sleep and we'll talk about this in the morning"

Me: "If you heard all the things he said to me, you would want to do the same"

Neal: "Jess, we'll talk in the morning, you aren't getting an abortion."

Before I could say anything Neal hung up one me. I honestly wasn't looking forward to anything and just wanted escape from this hell hole.

Next Day

Lauren's POV: I woke Jessica up extra early, Sid had told me she would be taking care of me and I was going to take advantage of her and make her do everything. I hated her and wanted to make her miserable. She looked weak and really sick to me. I guess she was taking the loss of Sid to the heart. "Jessica, I can't lift this suitcase, can you help? I need to put it up on the cupboard" I smiled. Jessica had trouble lifting it but finally got it up. I made her rearrange my clothes and everything. "Jessica I'm so sorry I tried saving the pictures of you and Sid but hewanted to throw every memory of you out" I stated.

"It's okay" she said in a low voice. We headed downstairs and I began eating. "Jessica why aren't you eating? Your lucky your allowed to eat that stuff, sadly I can't cause I'm pregnant." I laughed.

"I don't like sushi" she said.

"What no way? Sid told me you loved eating sushi. I want to eat it but sadly can't" I replied.

She didn't speak and she never touched any of the food on the table. I had my own food since I was only allowed to eat when the doctor had told me. "Oh my god, your ring beautiful, who gave it to you?" I asked noticing the ring on her finger. I really wanted it badly, it was so beautiful. "Sid gave it, but here you can have it. It has our names engraved but you can get that erased" She said forcing a smile on her face.

She handed me the ring and I looked at it closely "Isn't this your wedding ring?"

"Yeah, but the ring doesn't matter anymore. Our relationship doesn't even exist anymore so why keep it" she spoke.

I saw Sid, he came back from practice. He made his way to me 'Hey Beautiful, How's my baby doing?" he asked kissing my lips. "We both are fine" I smiled.

Torn Apart (Sequel to Brutal Love) Sidney Crosby  Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now