Character list

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Here's a complete cast list for the book, with short bios. Not everyone who appears is important, but in some scenes, a lot of names get thrown around. Skip this chapter if you're good at this sort of thing or just don't care about all these folks.

[I, too, get easily confused in books with a lot of characters]

[You can very much survive without reading and memorizing this, but it's here if you need it.]

For super special EASE, I've added a ★ next to the most important names. Since there's so many of them.


The F.E.W.- Hell's oppressive, badly themed government

F SECTOR- Finances

★♎- Accounting. Kelly Galloway Campbell- Notorious killer hellhound, now retired. Enjoys cross stitching and getting drunk with friends. Likes his women like he likes his men like he likes himself: somewhat. Weirdly, everyone seems super into him. 

♉- HR (no humans involved)

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♉- HR (no humans involved). Leigh Benning- Short and badly dressed. Looks like a rat, is a rat. Potentially the least useful member of The Few, no one values his opinion. A strange amount of people struggle to pronounce his name. 

♋- Management. Stacy Baruth- A still breathing fat cat stereotype. Possible older than even Kell. Always has cigars handy, but knows about Hell's staunch anti-smoking policies. Doesn't complain about them, though. Most likely to be part of the mob.

♍- Soul sales. Kelsey Ashe- Well dressed and well tended to. Gets mildly upset when people point out this makes him fit the gay stereotype. Quiet, and often condescending. Takes his job very seriously, and doesn't have time for humor. Still in love with Kell?

 Still in love with Kell?

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♑- Technology. Charlie Snell- Extremely chill punk. Is exceedingly mellow and impassive. Still hangs out with his old military friends. Probably a millennial.

♊- Medical. Philip Taltos- Old. So old. Only wears suits, considers himself to be a good boss just because he sometimes wears suits in weird colors.

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