Atlantic Records

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   My grey hazel eyes wake up to sun beaming right in my face. The blinds are pull up and the curtains are to the side. I look at my alarm clock, it's 11:30. I look up at my ceiling and take a deep breathe. I see  sitting on the edge of the bed opposite of me. He look off to the right the side of himself. He then stand up and grab my suitcase. I lift an eyebrow and look at the suitcase in Trey hand. Did this nigga pack my clothes for me? What the fuck? I laugh in my head.

  'Come on Talyah we going to New York". Trey tell me. I jump out the bed in shock. I wrap the sheets around me and look at him crazy. I know we he suppose be taking "care" of me, but going to New York? I thought I was just go be one of those girls he sing about in his song, and take care of from  long distances. You know? Send my money through the mail type shit and come chill with me when you not traveling. I guess I thought wrong. 

  "Wait, Trey. I can't just up and leave and go to New York". I say. Trey drop the suitcase and come around the bed. He put his hands on my shoulders and look me in the face.

  "Talyah, you want to have a better living? you want an education. You don't want to be a stripper no more, you want to be with me, right?". Trey say. I look off to the right and back at Trey. I nod my head yeah and look down at the floor. Trey lift my face back up and I try not to look at him. 

  "Well to be my girl, you got to roll with me. Even if I go to Mars to coming with me". Trey smile. I can't help but smile either. He kiss me on the forehead and hit me on the butt. He grab the suit case and walkout the room. I sit back on the bed and start to think about my new life. Am I really ready for this? I only been talking to him for two days that feel like two weeks. I don't know. I guess we just have to grow into love. 

   I get up and go into my closet. I grab a long dress and put it on. I go into the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, flat iron my hair, and pull up in a bun. I grab my Gucci person and put on my ray bands. I go into the living room and see try talking to this big black bald head dude. I stand there and wait on Trey. I text Boo telling him I'm living for New York I'll be back soon, take care of house. A couple of seconds later, Boo calls me. 

    "You fucking leaving me, ma?". Boo ask concern. I look at Trey who still talking to the dude. I walk out the living room a little.

   "Yeah, Boo, I'ma be back soon bro. Don't worry". I tell Boo. "Ay Tay I'm ready". I hear Trey. 

  "You living with Trey, ain't you?". Boo ask. I roll my eyes and suck me teeth.This nigga is fucking testing me. 

   "Yeah Boo". I say becoming agitated. "You heard me ma?!". I hear Trey. I cover the phone so Boo want hear me yell. "Yeah". I yell.

  "Well Talyah I always wanted to tell you this, even tho it ain't go be worth shit. But I always loved you and wanted to be with you. But I thought you never liked me back. So yeah, be safe out there ma". Boo click off. 

   "Boo?". I say and a tear come from eye. I stand there in shock at my phone. I'm speechless and can't move at out all. I feel Trey come close to me. He touch me on the shoulder and I turn around. I wipe the tear from my face quick. I smile at Trey and grab his hand. We head out the condo down the stairs to the limo. 

   The chauffeur opens the door for me and I get in. The chauffeur closes the door, Trey get in on the other side, and the chauffeur gets in on the driver side. He pull off and head down the highway. He then gets on the interstate heading to Morehore Airport. I stare out the window and watch as we pass by the trees. Probably the last time, I'll see a tree in somebody's front yard. Trey tap me on the shoulder and look at him. He pull me close to him. He kiss me on the cheeks and keep his arms around me. 

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