Chapter 65: Part 2

Depuis le début

"Fine." Camila finally agreed, "But only because I want to see the look on everyone's face."

Lauren smirked, "That's the spirit."


When the girls parked, Lauren didn't hesitate to get out of the car. After she did, she walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for her girlfriend.

"Why thank you Ms. Jauregui." Camila murmured.

"No problem baby." Lauren winked before she helped her girlfriend out.

She then retrieved her bag from the backseat and flung it over her shoulder.

Camila made a sharp stop when she realized all of the faces that were starting at her.

"Uhhh Lauren..."

"Just ignore them."


"It's okay Camz. If anyone asks, we were forced to carpool. Simple as that."

Camila sighed before she gave in, "Fine."

Lauren smiled, "Perfect. Now walk with me."

As the two girls advanced into the building, several pairs of eyes stared as mouth's gossiped. Some girls even glared at the brown eyed girl in a jealous rage. They couldn't believe that Lauren was with her. Out of all people. Because after all, Lauren could have anyone she wanted. But the only person she wanted was walking right beside her. But no one ever put two and two together. They instead created their own stories and rumors.

The girls who were in denial, claimed that Lauren found Camila on the side of the road pleading for help and out of pity, drove her to school.

Some claimed that Lauren's parents made her take the brunette to school as a punishment.

But the majority of the student body believed that Lauren scored with the nerd and in turn, glorified it as an accomplishment. Because after all, had anyone ever been able to get into a brains pants before?

At lunch, Camila was practically hiding from all of the eyes and whispers circulating around her. She pulled on the strings of her hoodie to further hide her face. She then groaned in faint embarrassment when her friends approached the table.

"You know," Darren began, "Everyone thinks she's fucking you."
Camila took her hood off and turned to look at him before she blurt, "WHAT?"

"And people are actually praising her for it." Mani said.

"Because she fucked a brain?"

"Apparently, a lot of people think it's bad ass."

"OH MY GOD," Camila said face palming herself, "THATS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT."

"Mmmhm." Darren hummed.

"Why? I don't get it. What's the big deal?"

"Think about it Mila, has anyone ever taken advantage of you like that?" Dinah asked.

"Well no. Just Lauren."

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