Ch 13. You sit on a throne of lies

Start from the beginning

Owen shuddered, he remembered the last time Rebecca was in the labs. Not pretty.

"What do you really want"

"Well you've been spending so much time with her that the raptors haven't
Improved. So, I was thinking, you get those raptors moving and I won't do nothing to your little hybrid."

Owen stared in shock but soon recovered, only Hoskins could be so dirty.

But he was right, the raptors were getting no where. So it was either train them and Rarely see 'Becca, or put Rebecca back in a lab and watch her be tortured.

"Alright, I'll work with the raptors".

"Good choice"

Ever since then, he never saw Rebecca again.

End flashback

It took everything in Rebecca's will power not to cry. That was the last day she ever saw Owen. I mean she's recently heard his voice but, she still hasn't seen him.

"We're here" she heard and the car stopped.

She heard doors close then open then heard Clair's soft voice.

"Zach, Grey, 'Becca. We're here".

She opened her eyes as did the rest of the gang. She then noticed that they were at the raptor enclosure.

She rushed out and ran over to the cage. She saw people trying to get the girls in those mussels bit to no success.

She opened the cage and motioned for the others to move, and they did.

As soon as she entered the raptors turned their heads and rushed over.

She was then talked to the ground in hugs.

"Where have you been"

"I missed you"

"Please don't leave"

"You smell like soap"

She laughed at Charlie's exclamation
And hugged them back.

" girls it's good to see you" then her expression darkened.

"What's wrong" asked blue.

Oh blue, always so protective

"They want us to fight another dinosaur"

The raptors were shocked, but soon excepted. They didn't like the fact that Hoskins was in charge and Charlie exclaimed that "Ge smells of Beef and Cheese".

After that she sadly got them in the mussels.

She heard Owen yell at Hoskins and then a large thump followed by a crack

After a heated argument between the two, Owen finally agreed to use the raptors.

"Are they going to be safe" grey asked.

"Of course they are" Hoskins said.

She squinted my eyes." You sit on a throne of lies",

He glared at her, then walked away.

"No they aren't " Owen said answering Grey's question.

"So what are their names"

"That's Charlie, Echo, Delta, And Blue. She's the Beta".

"Who's the alpha" Zach asked.

"Your looking at him" Owen said proudly.

Rebecca snorted causing him to look at her. She froze.

He walked over to her and stopped, just inches away. He then in a swift movement, captured her in his arms.

That's when she broke down. Tears streaming down her face. She eventually calmed down and looked at him.

"Why did you leave?" She whispered.

"I don't know, because I'm stupid" they both laughed quietly and hugged once more. After that, they all got ready.

Zach, Grey, and Clair stayed in the car
While Rebecca got on top of Blue (with her permission)waiting to be released.

The plan was to track the Indominus down then take him out. Rebecca was plan B, much to Owens displeasure.

Owen then came around with a chunk of flesh. She breathed it in and immediately remembered Kazmir.

He was her friend, could she actually hurt him?

It was then she decided that she would do everything in her power to help him.

Even if it killed her.



Sorry it was short, but hey what are you gonna do.

I hope you liked the chapter, I'm up late because of it.


Vote, comment, and share please.

Luv you all

Tyler Rae

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