Chapter 1

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Reader-Chan POV

"(y/n)!! Where are you?!?!?" shouted someone in the distance.

I looked up from my horse, and saw Hange running towards me. I raised an eyebrow and put the bucket with the horse's food down. I picked up my jacket and put it back on.

"(y/n)!! I have a message for you!!" she shouted as she approached.

"What is it?"

"Erwin is looking for you! Something about talking to the other...titan shifter," she whispered the last part. I sighed and looked at my right thumb. Ever since I told Erwin I had this ability, five years ago, he's been close to me. But ever since the new shifter, Eren Yeager, came to the scouts, Erwin's been trying to convince me to teach him a thing or two about his ability even if I haven't turned into my titan form in over two years.

"Alright, I'll go"

"Okay! Hey and when you're done with Eren send him to me ok?" I nodded and continued walking.

Will he ask me to teach the little bastard again? Last time I tried to help, he couldn't turn into his titan form at all. Which was odd. Yet the next day when he reached down to pick up a spoon, his arm turned into titan form.

I reached Commander Erwin's door and knocked.

"Come in," I heard inside. I opened the door and found him glaring at his book.

"Sir, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked after I closed the door.

He looked up and motioned for me to sit down.

"Something about Eren?" I asked.

"No, I just told Hange that so she won't ask anymore questions," he smiled slightly. I nodded.

"I actually wanted you to have this," he pulled out a ring with a blade sticking out. (Annie's ring!)

"What is it for?"

"If you ever need to transform and you can' know, bite your hand, you can cut yourself with it," he handed it to me.

"Thank you..." I put it on and lowered my gaze.

"You know I haven't transformed in a while..." I muttered, "and it's better now that Eren can do so, that way everyone can forget about my ability."

I heard him sigh. "You act as if you're a monst-"

I shot up and slammed my hands on his table.

"I am! Are you an idiot?! Everyone treats me like I'm a freak!! Why?! Because I can turn into them!! Because I am humanity's enemy!!" I shouted. I felt the urge to cry so I closed my eyes. I gritted my teeth and ran out of the room.

"(y/n)!" I heard him shout. I ran towards the rooms where we sleep. I ran towards mine and opened the door, thankful my roommate wasn't here.

______________________________TIME SKIP!!!________________________________

I opened the door, and peeked down the halls. Empty. I grabbed my cloak and put it on, adjusting my gear afterwards. I ran past the many doors until I came across one that was open a bit. I looked inside and saw Erwin talking to Levi and someone else I couldn't see.

"She doesn't understand what gift she possesses. If she agrees to transform again, then we might have a chance at beating the female titan."

"I suppose. Eren isn't as experienced as she is."

I looked down. We had encountered another female titan shifter a few weeks ago, yet her identity is unknown.

"She has the ability to harden some parts, yes?" asked someone else in the room, who I believe was Hange.

"Yes, just like the female you think we could run some tests on her Hange? To see what that is about?" Erwin asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure she'll be willing to agree to do them."

I narrowed my eyes and pulled my hood on. I don't want to hear anymore. I ran past the door and opened the window at the end of the hallway, jumping out. I landed on a pile of hay and sprinted across the yard, reaching the stables.

"Alright (horse name) we're going out for a ride," I said as I grabbed the saddle. (He/she) snorted while I hopped on.


I had no idea where I was going. I just needed to go somewhere to think. Erwin wanted to run tests on me? Weren't the ones from three years ago enough? What about Eren? Can't he harden some of his parts like the female titan and me?

I hadn't witnessed the female titan, but I heard what about her. I know that she is blonde, unlike Eren, her titan's skin is actually muscle and she's got blue eyes. However, my skin is muscle as well. Now that I think of it, the female titan and me are quite similar...

The female titan can't be with us, the Survey Corps, we would have found out who it has been by now and there isn't many blonde soldiers...

Is she in the Garrison regiment or the MPs? Questions kept running through my head until we reached a pond and decided to let (horse name) rest. I hopped off and patted (her/his) head. I kept the reins tied around my hand, since (she/he) has the habit of wandering off sometimes. I sat down and stared at my reflection in the water. Suddenly I pictured my titan self and growled, splashing the water. I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my face in them.

I thought back to my family. My mom, who died ten years ago because of an ill. My father....who disappeared after he experimented on me. I remember it so clearly...

FLASHBACK- Reader-chan is 9 years

"(y/n)! Honey, where are you?" called my father from inside our house. I stood up from mom's bed of roses. She would always tend to them every morning...

Father opened the back door and came out. His eyes scanned the yard until he saw me. His gaze flickered down to the flowers and he smiled softly.

"I have something I want to show you" he offered his hand to me. I walked towards him and grasped his large hand in mine. We walked towards the small kitchen.

"I'm going to need you to sit down please." I sat down in the chair next to the window. I looked out and saw a bird and a baby bird. I smiled slightly as the baby bird cuddled with his mother.

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. A hand was wrapped around my neck. I looked towards my father, who had a syringe with a transparent liquid. He had tears running down his cheeks, while I clawed at his hand.

"(y/n) have to trust me. I'm doing this for your own good."

I screamed and kicked. He then released my neck and grabbed hold of my right arm.

"You bastard!!"

"You don't understand! This is the only way!" he shouted.

"What are you doing?!" I yelped when he plunged the syringe into my arm.

"You'll understand one day..." with that, darkness took over.

I had woken up, pain all over my body, especially my arm, where I saw dried up blood. I looked around and saw an envelope with my name on it.

I grabbed it and opened it, where I saw a note from my father.

One day you'll understand why I did it. You'll understand the truth. I love you.-(dad name)

I crumpled it up and threw it away from me.

Back to present


Three years after he had disappeared, I had turned into a titan. I had been in Eren's situation at the time. Everyone wanted me dead, and some still do.

I gritted my teeth and curled my hands into fists.

"What truth?!" I shouted at no one.

"I wish I was somewhere else. Somewhere I didn't have to deal with this crap. Somewhere I won't be alone," I sighed. Suddenly I felt my eyelids closing and the last thing I felt was like falling out of the sky.

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