chapter forty three

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Dan's POV

I trail behind the nurses as we head down the corridor. The more I see the walls, the more I think of them as a pale dandelion color. And those freaking blue chairs are everywhere. They don't even match the walls! We turn left into a small cube like room with a table in the center and even more blue chairs.

"Here we are," the nurse pushing Phil's chair announces. I walk over to my friend and assist him up onto the table.

"Thanks," he smiles at me. Although he surely must be exhausted after the past 48 hours, he looks as cheerful as ever.

"Of course," I reply. The two nurses talk in hushed voices to each other before turning to address us.

"Okay," the one begins. "First we are going to cut off this cast." Phil's eyes widen when she says that. "Don't worry," she quickly reassures him, "if anything, all you will feel is a tickle along your leg. Although, it may hurt just a bit due to your foot being sore from its injury," she informs us.

The second nurse walks over to Phil holding what I can only describe as a miniature saw in her hand. She turns it on and I watch the little circular blade spin round and round.

"Are you ready, Phil?" She asks him. I look Phil in the eyes. I know he is terrified, but for goodness sake toddlers have had casts cut off before so it can't be too terrible.

"I am as ready as I'll ever be," Phil replies to the nurse.

"Okay, here we go." She presses the tip of the saw down on the top of Phil's cast and it cuts through the fiberglass easily. After a few minutes the entire thing is cut through and the two nurses work together to take the two halves off of Phil's foot and lower leg.

"Wow," I say once the cast is removed and we can see Phil's leg. It is still swollen and purple from the day before when he broke it. I take out my phone and snap a quick photo. Maybe one of us will post on twitter or instagram later today so people stop worrying about our absence.

"We are going to clean you up a bit before applying the new cast," one of the nurses tells Phil. The other one is over at the sink wetting a rag. She comes back over and gently washes off Phil's lower leg and foot.

"Now, what color cast would you like?" One of the nurses ask. Phil looks over at me as though asking for my opinion.

"I don't care what color you get," I tell him. Then I think better of my statement. "On second thoughts, don't get a yellow cast," I say.

He looks back at the nurses. "Can I get a blue cast please?" He asks them. They both smile and nod at him.

"Of course, whatever color you'd like. Now, it is going to be quite heavy, so do your best at holding your leg up for us. It is also going to get hot and bubble some before it sets," the nurse informs Phil.

I decide to turn my camera back on and record the nurses casting Phil's foot. Who knows, maybe I can use this in a video later. A Day in the Life of Dan and Phil at the Hospital- a great title.

"How's it feel, Phil?" I ask him, still recording. He looks up and sees me recording on my phone so he gives a small smile.

"It's really heavy and it's starting to bubble and heat up," he replies. I grin at him and stop the recording. "What were you recording for?" He asks me after watching me put my phone back in my pocket.

"I'm not really sure," I tell him. "Maybe one of us can use the footage in a video some day or post the picture online so people will stop worrying about us," I say.

"Ooh, good idea! Maybe then people will stop reblogging the gif of me falling down last night," he says. His voice is light as he says it, so I know it's okay for me to chuckle.

"I have so many notifications asking about the two of us," I tell him. "Maybe I should have replied to something.. whoops." The nurses can overhear our conversation. It's not like we were trying to be discrete or anything.

"What do you two have an audience for?" One of the nurses ask. I look over at Phil to explain because I'd honestly just rather not. He understands my telepathic message.

"We make online videos, on YouTube," Phil explains. "Quite a lot of people are subscribed to the two of us so we usually have some sort of online activity each day. When we aren't online, especially if neither one of us post anything, people jump to conclusions and assume we must have been hit by a bus or something."

"Well that is pretty neat," the other nurse says. "Making videos must be a fun activity."

"You're all done, Phil," the first nurse chimes in. "The cast is all set, now we just have to get you a pair of crutches. No worries for now though, we will just wheel you around."

"Thanks," Phil says. I help him off of the table and back into the wheelchair. We then go back to Phil's room where he gets reconnected to an IV which has a pain killer and some sort of hydration fluid in it.

"You should be free to go after tonight," the second nurse tells Phil. "The doctor is going to come back in later today to check on you and we are going to keep you over one more night just for observations, but other than that you should be free to go in the morning," she says.  

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