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They are always there. Watching, waiting, protecting. On the day you are born something unknown to you is happening miles into the sky. Above a courageous angel is receiving orders.
"Watch over your human. Guard them with all of your being! You have to be willing to die for them!" The angel Gabriel shouts. His voice echoes off the pure white pillars that support the golden throne room,
"You cannot reveal yourself to your human, nor interfere where it is not your place, and never indulge in their practices or ways. If you break these laws you will be stripped of your powers and bound to Earth for eternity!" Gabriel finishes. He looks down at an angel with short cinnamon hair who is kneeling. The young angels golden eyes are piercing as he stares back at Gabriel with determination. Gabriel's gaze lingers on the boy for only a moment as he scans the room one more time. He smiled which was a rare occurrence, he had trained them well.
"Now go!"

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