C's thoughts for the day

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i nearly cried today in school and in my house.
but i had to hold it all in.

it was too painful handle my problems.
recently i felt like shit.
my head throbs painfully now.

i used to be the person who will accept the truth, no matter what situation.and tell other people about it.
but now, everything seems useless whenever i told myself to accept the truth.

could you ever accept the truth that you and your friends are over.
my brain hurts whenever i think like that.

their gazes now burns like fire looking straight right at me.
the silence is unbearable. they could have just told me what i did wrong, rather ignoring me for weeks.
at hallways, all we could do is stare. and i do not know if that stare is either guilt or anger built in their eyes.
especially her.
it hurt.
i was fucking hurt.

they could have done something. they could have done something for our friendship to be saved. to be fixed. to be rebuilt.
but they chose to not to do it.
and that hurts me the most.
they chose not be friends with me again.

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