"Yeah don't do it Benny," Timmy said.

"Yeah don't do it. It's suicide," Tommy said.

"Smalls, yeah I do. I have to do this," Benny said. I think he forgot I was standing behind him until I said his name.

"Benny." He turned around and looked at me with loving eyes.

"Ellie, I meant what I said earlier. I know we just started going out. But these feelings couldn't be stopped. I do love you," he said quietly so the guys wouldn't hear. But from the looks on their faces, they heard.

"I'm not sure if I love you back. But you make me have these feelings I have never felt before. We are so young Benny."

"Young and in love," he said while smiling. I giggled at that statement.

"I'm getting the ball back for you. I know how much it means to you. Don't worry I'll be okay," he assured me.

"Good luck," I smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

He started climbing up the broken down car. As he was standing at the very top, he turned around and looked back at all of us. He gave Scotty a thumbs up and then his eyes lingered to me. He gave me a small smile. He turned back around and jumped over the fence.

"I cannot believe he did this," Ham said.

"Me too. The boy is crazy," Kenny said.

"Crazy in love," Squints said wiggling his eyebrows while looking at me. All the guys just laughed.

We all waited for Benny. I saw that Scotty was off to the side looking at the fence Benny jumped over.

"Are you okay?" I asked Scotty.

"Yeah, I am fine. I just can't believe he's doing this for me. For you."

"Benny is a really great guy. I hated the fact of moving here at first, but now I seem to love it here."

"It's because you met Benny."

"If it wasn't for you inviting me that day, I probably wouldn't have met him. So thank you."

Our conversation was cut when we heard barking and saw Benny jumping back over the fence. He was panting really hard as he was getting back off of the ground. All the guys were congratulating him. All of a sudden the sound from the fence made us all turn. The damn dog was jumping over. And oh my goodness the first thing that I saw was his private part.

"Oh, shit!" Benny yelled while running.

We all watched with wide eyes and our mouths wide open as the dog started chasing Benny. We all started following them. Damn Benny was so fast at running. I noticed that all the guys were far back from me and I wasn't very far from Benny. I saw Benny pushing all the garbage to slow the dog down. It was slowing me down instead. I jumped the wall and saw Benny going into the cinema. Instead of following them in, I went to the front. All of sudden Benny came flying out and grabbing onto my hand as well both ran.

"Whoa, Benny what in the world," I said flustered.

"Cmon we gotta get back to the sandlot."

We ended up running in the Founders Day event. Benny noticed that I was getting tired and quickly picked me up bridal style. My eyes widened at this gesture and I just hoped I wasn't too heavy in case I'm the reason he starts to slow down. Benny's eyes were focused to the front of us and all of a sudden we were on the table as Benny sprinted, stepping on everyone's plate.

"So sorry everyone!" I yelled out.

As I looked back, I saw the dog and the rest of the guys. All of sudden, the big circus guy fell causing the cake to fly over the two bakers. I felt so bad. We were now at the pool and everyone was going crazy seeing me carried by a boy while running away from a big dog. All the mothers and their kids were very terrified and the moms pulled their kids out of the way.

"Watch out, watch out! Sandlot, sandlot, sandlot!" Benny yelled and when I looked I saw all the guys with stunned faces when they saw me being carried from a running Benny.

As we were running, I noticed Benny was getting super tired. I saw all the guys were already back at the sandlot. The dog was catching up and he got hold onto Benny's jersey with his teeth ripping the jersey. Benny started sprinting faster. He quickly dropped me next to everyone and jumped back over the fence. The dog, however, ran right through the fence. We were all completely stunned.

"Look out," we heard Benny yell and saw that the fence had dropped right onto the dog. Oh my goodness... Scotty was the first starting to walk, then me, and then the rest of the boys. Scotty ran straight to the dog to try and lift the fence off of him.

"Come on we gotta get the fence off of him. Guys? Liz? Benny?" Scotty questioned.

Benny and I went next to Scotty and helped him. The dog ran out as soon as it was lifted and then was right next to Scotty. He started licking Scotty's face. The dog then started walking towards his dog house. Where he led us, was something we'll treasure for a lifetime. It was all the baseballs.

"We can play forever now," Benny said to everyone while grabbing my hand.

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