01. Mouth Full of Fries

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf

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"But dad said I could borrow the car, dad." Piper told one of her father's on the phone as she was in park. It wasn't simple for her having parents who are completely different, including two fathers. But Piper didn't mind at all, she loved both of her parents and even when she had to go through the whole awkward not-having-a-mother-on-mother's-day phase or tell people numerous of times that "there's no mom" in the relationship.

Piper sat inside the car with a heavy sigh as she heard her strict father, Luke, complain about her using the car without him knowing. She found it odd but inspiring how two complete opposites attract. Luke was more masculine and strict, he enjoyed sports and bar fights. Where as Jared, enjoyed pop culture, makeup and romantic movies.

"You have to ask both of us so Jared and I could agree." Luke informed Piper who was waiting for the conversation to end. Eventually, the conversation ended and Piper resumed to removing the key from the ignition and exited the car and walked towards the video store.

Beacon Hills was a major change from Canada. Such as the hot weather, using fahrenheit and not celsius, and the non-existence of Tim Hortons. However, Luke and Jared were originally from Beacon Hills, the lovely couple moved to Canada so they could get married and start their life together as married fathers. Since the two both missed home dearly, they wanted their daughter to grow up in their hometown.

Piper was upset about it, the idea of resettling startled her. Although she decided she was going to high school and only focus on her studies, then start an actual life once she graduated; a part of her felt timid about making new friends. When her parents showed her their high school experiences, she wished she could live up to their experiences. But as her zodiac sign of being an Aquarius, Piper will go with the flow.

As Piper walked through the parking lot, she noticed a Porsche with a redhead teenager inside taking selfies and got a glimpse of how the lifestyle was like in Beacon Hills. Great, now I can see myself at the bottom of the food chain, Piper thought as she headed towards the movie rental.

Before Piper could get near the entrance, a fast, speeding creature smashed through the window, where Piper was standing, giving her a glimpse of the creature that had sharp teeth and claws with vibrant red eyes. Before Piper could phantom what she just saw, she got knocked down to the ground where she heard the redhead screamed loudly. A few moments later, Piper found herself in a middle of a crime scene surrounded by cops and ambulances.

"Piper Petrelli?" She heard from a paramedic as Piper squinted her eyes and felt the side of her head that was aching. "Yeah?" She groaned in the back of an ambulance truck and stood up straight. The door was wide open and Piper could see a gurney with a deceased body and was grateful that she didn't wind up dead.

   "What part of I am fine, are you having a problem grasping?" Piper heard an obnoxious male voice nearby, but couldn't find the source. "Can I go home!" He said once again, as Piper dismissed his voice.

After the paramedic told her she had a minor concussion and bandaged her up, Piper was interviewed by Sheriff Stilinski. "It's good thing you're alright. Are you new in town?" He asked before getting down to business. Piper nodded and was frustrated at the fact that on her first time out she just had to get attacked.


Piper nodded with an uneasy forced smile, demonstrating her life. "Could you please describe what happened?" Stilinski asked and Piper nodded as she gathered her memories when she was in the parking lot. "I was walking towards the door and-" Piper zoned out for a moment as she noticed something peculiar and attempted to go back to her chain of thoughts. "I was walking towards the door and, uh.." She tried to continue but she couldn't, so she decided to tell Sheriff Stilinski what was distracting her.

"I'm sorry but there's a teenage boy with a mouth full of fries eavesdropping." She stated with a heavy sigh as Sheriff Stilinski turned around and saw the sight of his nosy boy, Stiles. Once Stiles realized he had been caught, he came around the corner and awkwardly waved at his father. "Hey dad."

"Get back in the car." Sheriff Stilinski bluntly stated as Piper noticed the awkward boy with a buzzcut. Piper decided to resume back to her interview but how could she explain what she had just saw. What animal, that resembled like a wolf to her, had red eyes? Piper thought it was just something she created in her head and brushed it off.

"I'm sorry Sheriff.... Stilinski," Piper apologized, as she read his name tag in order to address him. "I kinda just blacked out and I'm pretty sure my parents are freaking out since the paramedics called them." She stated, ready to go home. Sheriff Stilinski nodded and understood Piper's mentality and let the one of few people who could help him with the case, leave.

"Get back home with your mom and dad." He said with a sigh. Piper awkwardly corrected him, and informed him that doesn't have a mother. "Yeah, I don't have a mom..." Stiles eyes shot up and knew what it was like not having a mother around. "Me neither, she died when I was eleven," Stiles said so could have a personal connection but little did he knew that Piper really didn't have a mother.

Piper's mind raced and felt sympathy for Stiles and wondered how she could explain she was adopted without seeming heartless. "When I said I didn't a mother, I meant it in a I have two dads kind of way." She rambled with a sly smile, not wanting to give the impression she had a deceased parent.

Stiles' mouth formed to a shape of an O, and nodded his head trying to come across as casual. "Oh. Cool, two dads." Piper chuckled and let out a heavy sigh as she showed empathy for Stiles and gave him her condolences, even though by now Stiles had learned how to accept his mother's death.

"Well," Sheriff Stilinski said as he cleared his throat in attempt to change the subject. "Stiles won't you walk Piper to her car," He suggested. As the two walked, Stiles informed Piper the life of a Beacon Hills teenager or at least his life which was watching Star Wars.

"I actually came here to rent out Star Wars, guess I'm not going to be able to watch it now." She replied with a faint frown. Stiles eyes grew large once he finally found an attractive girl that loved Star Wars. Even though he just met Piper, he knew the two would be good friends.

"Yeah guess the mountain lion kinda ruined it for you," Stiles joked and laughed to himself, even though he knew it was more than just a mountain lion. He was trying to make a fun conversation with Piper, so she wouldn't find him boring.

"Mountain lion?" Piper wondered, trying to make sense on what Stiles meant. Stiles explained that creature that the Sheriff was trying to capture was a mountain lion since there had been unsolved murders recently.

"Unless mountain lions have red eyes," Piper joked and laughed to herself as Stiles' face dropped and thought about the Alpha that he, Scott and Derek were trying to capture. "R-Red eyes?" Stiles repeated trying to figure out if Piper saw more than what she said to his father.

Piper looked back at Stiles and dropped her jaw and began to frantic. Even though Piper had an extreme case of bad luck, for once she was saved by the bell as her phone rang. As she glanced down at the contact name, which was Luke, Piper glanced back up at Stiles with a sorry look and quickly answered the phone call.

Stiles knew that Piper saw more than just a "mountain lion" and wanted to put an end to these murders. As Piper was conversing with her father on the other line, Stiles pulled out his phone and began to text Scott.

stiles: cute girl got hit by the alpha and lied about not knowing its red eyes !!'!!!!

scott: u know what u gotta do

stiles: which is ???

stiles: hurry !!! shes almost off the phone w/ her dad

scott: find out more about her

AN: So this was the very first official chapter of this series, I really hope you guys love it and Piper as well :)

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