Chapter 6: Better Than Before

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Chapter 6: Better Than Before.

Once the rest of the day was over, it was obvious that my favorite class was going to be Musical Theater. Mr. Mol said that we were going to perform at least twice every week. I was internally screaming in glee, as I loved performing. And the rest of the classes were nice with knowing at least one person. 5th was fun, not doing anything except talk to the three boys. And 6th was fun because the girl I had met in second, Zoe, was in that class and sat with us again. She told me and Cale that she too had just moved there from England and how much of a culture shock it was for her. We had a lot in common and I shared my number with her, knowing we would be good friends.

Once we were back home, I went into my room and laid on my bed. There was a knock on my door and I called that they could come in.

“Hey!” Cale said, smiling.

“Hey.” I smiled at him. He walked in and went to my futon.

“My bag is on your right.” I said as I flipped over on my stomach and faced his direction. He nodded and sat down in the middle of the futon. He reached over to his right hesitantly until his fingers came in contact with my bag. He placed it on the floor next to the futon and out of the way. Then he sprawled himself across my futon. I got up and grabbed my beanbag chair. I set it in front of the futon and jumped on it in a huff.

“You have a beanbag chair?” Cale laughed at me.

“Yep!” I smiled back. “It’s huge.”

“I bet. So how was your first day of school?” He asked me.

“Fine. You?” I asked.

“It’s nice with you in all of them.” He shrugged and smirked, cheekily. I looked at him and then I did something I don’t know why I did.

I whacked him.

“Hey! What was that for?” He complained, rubbing his arm.

“I felt like it.” I shrugged.

“You’re abusive.”

“I know.” I said. My phone then beeped with a text and I got up to grab it.

It was from Zoe.

“So… Cale? ;) x” Was all it said. I blushed and immediately sent back a text.

“ummmmmmmmmm shh?”

“Who was that from?” Cale asked. I looked at him. He was now on his side, with his arm holding his head up in a semi-seductive pose. I blushed even further.

“Zoe.” I flopped back on my beanbag chair with my phone in my hand.

“The British girl? She seemed nice.” Cale said.

“She is.” I said as I got another text.

“*wolf whistles* he’s cute! You 2 would be so cute! x”

“shaddaapppp! And whats the “x” at the end of your messages??”

“What are you guys chatting about?” He asked. I blushed furiously again.


“What kind of…stuff?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Just….stuff.” I said as I received another text.

“wink wink wink wink. And it’s a kiss! Idk it’s a british thing. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx(all for you and Caleypoo) ;)”

I couldn’t help but snort as I replied.

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