Chapter Eleven

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[How I imagine Jenna as...]

It's one thing to almost die twice. It's a whole other story attending one of Tony's parties; especially when it's a non-public party where he doesn't have to "act" for the cameras. After the events earlier today, we went back to the store and actually bought all of our clothes, plus some for Ashley. Needless to say, the cost was overwhelming. But not for Tony. He has mounds of money floating around. I could have bought 100 times more of clothes and it wouldn't even make a dent in his bottomless bank account. Heck, I could've bought the entire city of New York City and Tony wouldn't have had to think twice about his financial situation.

That was completely off topic, but back to what I really need to talk about: Tony's parties. They're amazing; only when it's private. The Avengers plus Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, my parents, me (of course), and Ashley were there. We just hung out for the whole time, chatting away the night and just being plain crazy.

"You know," Tony started, "pizza is food for the soul. It calms you albiet making you a little chunky if you eat too much. Which makes me wonder..." Tony stroked his "beard" and looked over at Bruce. "Hey, Banner. I've got an extremely important question that you must answer, cause you're Mr. Hulk the science bloke, and don't make fun of my rhyming skills."

Bruce furrowed his brow and glanced at me with a helpless look. I shrugged and gestured for him to answer Tony. Bruce coughed ever so slightly and spoke. "Yes, my dearest Mr. Stark? What, of your intelligent questions, may you want to ask me?"

"Alright," Tony begins. He clears his throat. "If you, Bruce Banner, eats too much pizza or other food, and you get a little chunky, let's say... will Mr. Hulk have a nice little belly when you transform?"

Bruce stared at Tony for a moment. He caught my eye and I could see the confusion growing. I liked at where this was going, so I grinned.

"Answer the question!" I mouthed to him.

He shook his head in mock disgust. "How should I know?" he asked innocently.

Tony snorted. "Cause you're a biological scientist person or whatever. C'mon, man! Answer me! Wouldn't you know? Added onto that, you are the Hulk."

"I mean, I suppose so... But I wouldn't know. He might not. How should I even know?! I'm not just going to get fat one day to give you a little experiment!"

Tony began to giggle like a little girl. "I'm only joking, Banner. But really, it's food for thought. Anyways, I'm gunna go bother somebody else. Enjoy the rest of your night. And don't be afraid to drink a little. Have some fun!" Tony grabbed his glass of extremely expensive fine wine and walked off to Clint and Nat. Nat caught my gaze and rolled her eyes, gesturing to Tony, who was beginning to get a little unstable on his feet.

I looked over at Ashley who was awkwardly sitting next to me, unsure of what to do. "So, how are you tonight?" I asked her, to try and strike up a conversation.

She smiled faintly at me. "To be quite honest, I'm a little overwhelmed. Who knew the Avengers had random parties like this?"

I laughed. "Who knew? Well, I certainly didn't."

"I did not know either," said a voice behind me.

At this point, nothing really ever startled me anymore, so I took a quick glance back and saw a shock of whitish hair. I immediately knew it was Pietro; the accent also gave it away. So far, I hadn't really had the chance to get to know him.

"Hello, Pietro," I said nonchalantly.

"Hi, Jenna," he replied. His foot was rapidly tapping the ground, and no wonder why. He was always in a rush.

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